Chapter Four

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How I had missed being in his arms, how had I missed hearing his voice, looking into his light green eyes. How many nights have I laid awake missing him and the feelings he gave me.

Now he was here...

As my boss and I'm his hired personal assistant.

We break apart, our breaths mingling into the air.

"Hello, Ms Jocelynna, I am your new boss; Mr. Harrison, it's very nice to meet you." 


Chapter Four 

We didn't have too much longer to ponder about anything else as there was a sharp knock on the door. 

Holten pulls away and swiftly walks to the door, yanking it open without even looking at me. I scramble to my desk, smooth my hair and smooth down my dress, fixing my sleeves. 

"Um, sorry Mr. Harrison, but Raven forgot this and asked me to give this to her." Helga stands there, nervous as hell, her eyes kept going back and forth between the floor and Holtens piercing eyes. 

"Don't tell me you didn't write the column." Holten asks, turning his attention me, completely ignoring Helgas existence. 

I huff, rolling my eyes, choosing this time to ignore Holten as I walk past him, almost shoving him out of the way, and take my laptop out of Helga's outstretched hands. 

"Thanks, I owe you." I say, meeting her eyes and then turning around to head back in. 

"Hell, yeah you do." Helga says, putting meaning into her words. 

As Helga turns away Holten shuts the door almost slamming it and faces me. The cold and hard look, void of motion almost has not left his face, in fact it seemed to have worsened. 

"I-I did not do the column yet, but I plan on doing it and getting it to you as soon as possible." I say, gulping hard going to walk back to my desk, and for the first time sit down at my chair 

"Little Trainwreck, you never change." Holten says. 

I reposition myself in my big black cushiony office chair, "Set up." I said to Samson who had been idly staring at us the entire time, ignoring the burning holes I knew Holten was staring at me. I could feel the pressure at the back of my head, knowing Holten was watching. 

I open Samsons bag that was attached to him, throwing open the blanket and grabbing his favorite toy, letting Samson climb onto the blanket and snuggle the toy, he watches me on edge, waiting, getting ready to do his job. 

I loved Samson so much he was so lovable but he could also be serious when it came to his training, which I loved so much. He loved me so much to have an instinctive protective personality towards me, combine that with his loyalty and his training, he was just the most perfect companion. 

My eyes lift up from the right side of my legs, up to the brown of my wooden desk, onto the carpeted floor, all the way towards Holten's desk, to his thick muscles wanting to rip out of his suit. 

My breath quickens as my eyes slide around his smooth bottom jaw, up and around to his thick dark eyebrows. My heart rate accelerates as my eyes glide around his face, until they settle on his lips.

My own lips open of their own accord and my tongue comes out, sliding slowly on my bottom lip, picturing Holten and I entrhalled in passion again, my thighs tighten involuntarily and a ping goes down instantly to my core upon the flashes that go through my head. 

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