Chapter 17

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Asia's P.O.V
I got dressed in (outfit above) put on natural makeup so August wouldn't notice it I feel like I just need it sometimes after I was done I went downstairs and ate some chips (doorbell rings) I open the door and see August looking handsome as ever he pulls me into him by my but and hug me tight to tight
Asia: You hurtin me Auggie
August: I'm sorry I just missed you
Asia: (pecks his lips)
August: (staring at her) you got on makeup?
Asia: No why
August: Yes you do tell me the truth
Asia: Ok I do I'm sorry
August: I don't like you wearing that you look better without it
Asia: I feel comfortable wearing it
August: Well I don't
Asia: But Nathaniel thought it looked cute on me
August: Well Nathaniel don't know what beauty is I do anyways you ready
Asia: Yes
(Walk across the street & go inside)
His niece: Hey uncle aug why you never answer my calls
August: Well Chay I'm busy alot I'm sorry I'll make it up
Chay: Mhm (walks off)
?: Is that your girlfriend Uncle Aug
August: Yes she is Amaiya
Amaiya: Oh well hi I'm Amaiya but call me Nooney
Asia: ok Nooney
(The last girl stomps off)
August: I'm sorry baby she never like my girlfriends I'll go talk to-
Asia: No I got it
August: You sure
Asia: Yeah I'll be back
August: Ok
(Walks after her)
Asia: Hey what's wrong
?: Go away
Asia: Why?
?: Because your gonna take away my Uncle August
Asia: No I'll never separate you two
?: But all his other girlfriends did they were always mean and would hurt our feelings
Asia: But I'm different I won't do anything to hurt you
?: Will your spend time with us
Asia: Of course I'll take y'all shopping one day too
KayKay: Well I'm KayKay and pinky promise last don't tell uncle august what we talked about because he nosy
Asia: (connects pinky) promise now let's go
(They walk inside)
?: So this is her ?
August: Yes ma
August's mom: Nice to meet you sweety I'm Shelia but call Momma Shelia
Asia: ( puts hand out)
Momma S: oh no honey your family (hugs her) ok let's eat but son always remember that Asia is a keeper
(After dinner at Asia's door)
Asia: I enjoyed your family tonight
August: Really you did?
Asia: I did your mom is so sweet and your nieces are just cute
August: Speaking of nieces what did you and KayKay talk about
Asia: We made a promise not to tell
August: So you on they side now
Asia: I'm sorry but we pinky promised too maybe you should ask her about that
August: I will now gimme a kiss love
(both kiss)
Asia: Ok I'll see you tomorrow
August: ok night
Asia: night
Asia's P.O.V
I remember what Momma Shelia said about me being a keeper I like her already, The girls are so cute and I love their attitudes I would love to spend time with them and I feel bad that all of August ex girlfriends would treat them like that. But I took a shower and was falling to sleep until (buzz buzz) I got a text message from August
Mybaby- I was thinking about what my moms said Do you mind if I come to the studio tomorrow?
Mrs.Alsina- Yeah you can use it anytime love and I posted Let Me Hit That and lots of people are loving it
Mybaby- Ok and thanks show me tomorrow love you
Mrs.Alsina- Love you ✌
(And she went to sleep)

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