Chapter 35

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Asia P.O.V

The next day August signed the release papers while I was in the shower he signed some papers for Nyla to when I got out I put on a pink jumpsuit with some sandals I put Nyla on a onsie that said Daddy's Favorite and some forces we wrapped her up and put her in the stroller that August mom bought for her at the baby shower (sorry I forgot about a baby shower chapter) I pushed the stroller while August held gifts from fans they were so sweet bruh

When we made it home we took Nyla to her new room it was pink with a Mickey Mouse theme and on one of her walls it had her name on it I laid her in her crib and she slowly fell asleep

Aug: She's beautiful man

Me: Well nigga I am her mother

I smirked and walked out and called Zen


Her: Hey Asia

Me: Wassup girly

Her: What you need

Me: Come over

Her: K oh Chris coming to

Me: Yay my baby daddy

She laughed

Her: Were on our way

Me: K see yah

We both hung up

Aug: Who was that

Me: Zen

Aug: Good we all need to talk

He came and sat wit me

12 minutes later

Zen came in

Zen: Knock knock

Chris: Baby momma

They came in and saw us on the couch

Me: Hey y'all

Aug: Wassup niggas we gotta talk

Zen: Aboutttttt

We all went to the table

Aug: That nigga who claim that Nyla is his

Zen: Nathaniel

Chris: Sorry baby but ion like that nigga

Asia: What was he doing at the hospital he isn't family

Then Nyla started crying we heard it from the baby monitor

I ran upstairs and got her she was fully woke I kissed her cheek and brought her downstairs August held his arms out to her making her smile he grabbed her

Zen: oooo that hair

A: Yes it's too much for a newborn

I said as I touched her hair

Chris: August looking ass attached to her


Cj who was the child of Zendaya and Chris isn't in the story anymore I'm changing him into Royalty if y'all don't know her she Chris Browns real daughter and she's such a beauty

Aug: So nigga you attached to Royalty

Zen: Ahhh hush you two I got news from Nathaniel he just made a mistake and sent me a mission list to get Asia back

Aug: You must've fucked him good cause he so fuckin thirsty for yah ass

I slapped his head and took Nyla

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