"Rain rain go away, come again another day"

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I stare out the window as I count the rain drops falling on the glass. Rain is depressing. I hate the rain. I'll never understand why people like the rain. Not only does it smell odd, but it's also wet. Two terrible things you don't want to be. Stinky and wet. The clouds are out, and the sky is dark. Speak of depressing weather. The car comes to a halt and it's not until now that I realize I've arrived at my destination. The Scotia Bank Arena. I really don't understand why they had to change the name. The last time I was here, it was called the Air Canada Centre. Sounds a lot better if you ask me.

"Thank you!" I tell my uber driver.

I grab my belongings and carefully step out of the car being careful not to get my face wet. I hate myself for not bringing an umbrella. I should have checked the weather forecast before I left. I'd hate to show up with smeared makeup on my face. I'm wearing a nice long sleeve that fits just the way I like. Tight but comfy. It's a nice ribbed knit material and the perfect beige color for fall. I paired it with black dress pants from Aritzia. I could go on about Aritzia. I love Aritzia and I will forever be an Aritzia girly. I quickly make my way into the side door of the building, trying my best to avoid any puddles in sight. Once I'm inside, I pull out my phone to text Paul and let him know I'm here.

"Emery, good to see you." I look up and I am met with a familiar face. I haven't seen him in person other than our zoom calls. He definitely has more wrinkles on his face now that I can see him in person compared to what I remember on zoom. Must be the stress and frustration of being a Leaf's coach. I'm glad it's Sheldon Keefe and not Mike Babcock because I think we can all agree that Mike was not the greatest coach. He was also rude to the players. From what I know about Sheldon, he is far from that, and I am elated to work with him this season.

"Hey Sheldon!" I smile. "I just texted Paul to let him know I was here."

He motions me to follow him. "No worries! I'll show you to the Locker room."

As we walk down the hallway, he makes small talk. I stop in my tracks when I notice a familiar picture. Sheldon must notice too because his footsteps come to a halt.

"Is that-" I start.

"It is. Mike had it framed during the off season after you graduated." he explains.

A smile spreads across my face while I examine the photograph. It's the group photo we took at the sports development camp back in 2017. The last time I was here. Never did I ever think that I would end up where I am today if it wasn't for the opportunity to join the Toronto Maple Leafs at their first ever Junior Sport development camp. I can only think of happy memories from that season. I was drafted first overall. A complete shock if I'm being honest. A few friends from my school also got drafted. I even became good friends with some of the players. I think of the happy memories I made during our practices and training sessions: the fun parties the prospects would host in our hallway wing every weekend, the many times we used our fake ID to get into the bar, and the team chants we made for our Olympic tournament at the end of the season. Everyone was selected for the development camp based on sport. I was selected for running, track and cross country specifically. Kayla was selected for tennis, Lucy was selected for volleyball, and Jessie was selected for basketball. Those were the few girls from my school that were selected. A few boys from other schools were selected as well. I remember all the girls were crazy about Lance. Not only was he great at basketball but he had washboard abs and piercing blue eyes that made every girl's heart swoon. I, however, did not fall for his act. The Olympic tournament was my favourite because that's when Mike had put us in groups of ten to form teams. I was on team Canada. We had to compete against other countries in different Olympic events. I focus my attention back to the photograph in front of me that was taken that day.

"A few of them got traded." Sheldon says. "Matt, Zach, Naz..." he trails off.

I cringe at the site of my hair clips holding my baby hairs in the photo. I looked awful. Honestly, I don't know why the team liked me so much. I thought I was a loser. I was no Lucy Pratt. She was the most popular girl in our grade. She was also drafted to the camp. I thought she would be drafted first overall for sure. I remember my high ponytail was pulling my forehead back giving me a headache as that photo was being taken. "Oh gosh." I laugh out loud.

"The team has no idea you're coming. It'll be a great surprise before our home opener." Sheldon says.

The last time I saw the team was when they lost in the first round of playoffs to the Washington Capitals. Again. It sucks being a leafs fan. Every year since then, they've lost again in the first round. Never made it past that darn first round. I still remember how depressing that night was. I said goodbye to my friends before moving to London. I remember regretting my decision in deleting my social media, but it was too late. I had already done it. I wanted to start fresh in a new city. I even changed my number, but I did keep in contact with Mo. I thought that would only be appropriate considering he was my mentor at the development camp. I made sure he wouldn't tell the other boys on the team. Development camp was amazing. Becoming friends with the leafs was not what I expected but they ended up being my family during the season. My home away from home. I wonder if they still remember me. Thinking about it makes me nervous. What if they don't remember? I start to feel myself panic when I hear Sheldon call my name.

"Ready Emery?" He smiles as he points to the locker room.

"As ready as I'll ever be". I take a deep breath as I enter the locker room after Sheldon. I recognize the room. It still looks the same, but it's clear small changes were made. The wooden cubbies are as beige as I remember and the carpet lining the room has the same stains. It's good to be back, I think to myself. I look around the room in search of any familiar faces, but I notice there's only three players here. I recognize who they are from keeping up to date with the leafs, but I've never met them before, so I feel a little uncomfortable and awkward. I'd say I'm quite the introvert. I've always been known as the shy girl, but once I get to know someone more, I come out of my shell.  I guess it's still early considering its 5:30pm and the game is at 7:30pm. Just as Sheldon directs me to sit in one of the cubbies beside him, a familiar face walks in.

"Mitch, perfect timing! Mike told me you and Emery know each other."

Mitch's face twists in confusion "Who?"

I feel my heart sink. None of them remember me. I'm sure of it. I don't even know why I thought taking on this learning position would be a good idea. I feel embarrassed as the other three players glance my way. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Emery Chapman." Sheldon states.

"Oh what. Sounds familiar, but I'm pretty sure the only Emery I know moved to London a few years back so..."

My body fills with hope. So, he remembered I moved to London. So, that means he must remember me. Mitch finally turns around to look at me after dropping his belongings in his cubby. He takes a look at me. And then another one. He does a double take.

"Em? Is that really you?" Mitch scratches his forehead in disbelief.

"Yes." I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Oh my god. It's been so long. What are you doing here? What the fuck?" Mitch lets out. I laugh as he walks over to me. "Woah, you look amazing. You look different." My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks turn warm. Mitch must notice because he tells me I look different in a good way which makes me feel a bit relieved after hearing that.

"Well, it seems like you two have a lot to catch up on, so I'll introduce you to the rest of the team later Emery." Sheldon says and I nod.

Once Sheldon walks away another unfamiliar players steps in the room. Mitch pulls me aside and bombards me with questions. Oh boy, is he talkative. Just as I remembered. He hasn't changed one bit. I quietly pray that Mo gets here soon so he can save me. He's the only one that knows I'm coming, and I made sure he wouldn't spoil the surprise.

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