chapter 3.

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L: "Did you just kiss me!?"

A: "Maybe."

He sits down and takes a bite of bread

L: "You!"

She goes to her room and grabs a comb, then combs his hair

A: "Hmm~ What are you doing?

L: " Combing your hair, it's messy."

He keeps eating the soft, fluffy bread she had made a few hours before

A: "So, for sleeping arrangements?"

L: "I keep an extra bed in my room, don't worry."

A: "Great."

L: "Are you still hungry?"

A: "No, not really.."

L: "Alright. It's time to sleep."

A: "What time is it?"

L: "According to my clock it's exactly 20:56."

A: "Alright."

He gets up, slightly limping, and goes to her room to lie down

L: "I have pajamas for you! Wool ones!"

A: "What?!"

She walks into the room

L: "I know you heard me."

A: "Why would you buy those for me?"

L: "I don't know? Maybe because you stay over a lot!"

Andrius limps over and kisses her, directly on the lips

She pushes him away

L: "G-go change!"

A: "Whatever you say."

He smiles

She leaves the room and changes else where

She comes back 15 minutes later

Andrius is already laying down, but not asleep

A: "You look lovely."

L: "Are you trying to charm me?"

A: "Yes, I suppose I am."

L: "Well, it's working.."

She turns her head away from him

L: "Now, just, go to sleep!"

Word count; 242

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