The story of the 3 best friends

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Long ago...

There were 3 different creatures who all lived in peace and harmony. Each of them had its own kingdoms:
The Perin Empire ( Changelings)
The kingdom of Zalgoids (demons)
Nova Kingdom (Owls)

For every kingdom, there was a ruler. These rulers were the 3 best friends who grew up together.
Those best friends were:
Mr. Williams (Changeling)
Zalgo (Demon - Zalgoid)
Cosmic Wonder Star (Owl)

Mr. Williams was the king of the changelings.
Zalgo was the king of the demons.
Cosmic W. Star was the king of the owls.

When they all were older and got to their
thrones, they decided to sign up for a contract. The contract was an agreement that no matter what happened to their kingdoms, they would help each other out. They all signed it and since then they have become more assertive. The changelings, demons, and owls would celebrate similar events.
The 3 creatures NEVER liked humans. They would barely go out in human society because of how dangerous it was. And since changelings are the most vulnerable creatures, humans would target them. They would capture anyone who would identify as a Changeling and use them as experiments or would torture them to death.

This is the reason why all the 3 creatures developed their own human forms. While owls and demons are naturally born with it, Changelings have to go through a process of getting their human forms. The owls would be the ones to help out the changelings with getting their human disguises by preforming a special ritual.

After the signed contract, the 3 friends worked together. Everything was normal until Mr. Williams' kingdom started losing its people because of humans. He called his 2 best friends for help, and they had a meeting. Mr. Williams told them everything and the two of them were thinking of a solution.
Finally, Zalgo gave an idea: to have him take care of the kingdom.
Cosmic W. Star immediately reacted to that statement and denied that idea. He wanted to send his people to teach Changelings new ways to defend themselves from humans.
Feeling lost and scared, Mr. Williams started stressing out. He became an alcoholic...he started forming a family but that was a big mistake. And his two friends, to this day, hate one another..

To be continued....

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