Seems like theres 2 more people, that's lavander and thorn.
Lavander does indeed have a tv for a head they go by whatever the children see them as they work here as a nurse and doctor! Thorns the extra watch he helps keep the children safe as well.Yes all four will play and watch over you they love playing with you and any games you like examples hide n seek neve let thorn be it he always cheats at least thats what mary says oh if you love tag Mr.Clown an Lavander will always be happy to play, got puzzles? Mary is a very good at them!
Me clown is very good at throwing that's what to say at least poor Y/n (male)...Dont worry though Thron will catch you so will Mr.Clown, I guess y/n (fem) wanted to use Lavander as a climbing wall silly girl,Meanwhile Y/n (nonbinary) wanted to play with Mary's scarf be careful with it!