absolutely sickening!!!

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inspired by the agonizing pain of covid-19 i personally experienced some months ago

these idiots arent rivals or enemies or whatevs, theyre just super awkward roomates LOL

"Hey man, I made you soup."

Tord pried his eyelids open in response to Tom's voice. The disgusting feeling of crust flaked off the corners of his eyes in the process. He was tightly wrapped up in two blankets; the norsk was boiling in the heat, but the overwhelming high temperature he honestly got used to.

Tom's voice echoing off the walls was quickly followed by the presence of the man himself. Tord groaned. His throat hurt. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to cough.

"You good?" Tom asked. Tord only frowned in response. It took him a few minutes to speak, or even move.

"Obviously not." The norsk grunted. He sounded like a normal machine starting up or a horse- whatever it was, it wasn't human sounding. Tom chuckled at the odd voice, placing a cup of warm water onto the bedside table. "My nose hurts from blowing my nose so much." A clogged, croaky version of Tord's voice whined out of his throat. Tom hummed absent-mindedly at the statement.

Tord jolted at the feeling of a hot spoon pressing up against his crusty lips. Ugh, the additional heat made him feel as if he were about to melt. "Drink up," Tom cooed, albeit in a teasingly mother-like way. Tom definitely wasn't taking this man seriously, "It's the soup."

Tord took a sip of the broth. The spoonful consisted of chicken soup and some corn, as well as an aftertaste of carrot. The taste was strange. This didn't taste anything like the canned soup his other roommates quickly heated up for him yesterday. It certainly wasn't bad, though.

Speaking of, his roommates were out to take Ringo to her monthly visit to the vet. Tom didn't want to go, so he was allocated the responsibility of Tord duty for the afternoon.

Tord was very quiet. He wasn't in the mood for friendly banter, and certainly not when even breathing made his throat burn. A few more minutes of spoon-feeding and Tord's slow chewing, and the clinking of a metal spoon against porcelain bowl was heard. "You finished it. I can make more if you want." Tom huffed, sitting Tord up to press the warm glass of water to his lips. Tord's lips were pursed, just for a second.

"Ah. You made it?" Tord asked, and now it was Tom's turn to pause. The eyeless brit's cheeked turned pink.

"They... we ran out of the store-bought..." Tom uttered, making up that flimsily put excuse on the spot. Embarrassed, he forced the cup against the norsk's lips so he couldn't talk back. Tord smiled. He knew that Edd and Matt stocked up on soup like 2 days ago. He decided to just let it slide. It wasn't everyday the roommate you don't talk to much makes you food. "Take this." Tom held some medicine (tablet) up to Tord's face, allowing the norsk to take it from him.

After watching Tord tip his head back and place the tablet on his tongue, Tom brought the glass of warm water back on his mouth. "I'm not hungry." Tord said, voice now slightly less hoarse from the hydration. "-About the soup. You don't need to make more."

Tom only nodded in response, pink only dusted over his cheeks now. After stacking the dishes for a more convenient hold and ruffling Tord's hair with his hand, he turned around. "There's still some soup leftover anyways," Tom grinned, leaving the door open as he left. Tord sighed, finally basking in the peace that Tom's absence allowed him. He was a bit annoyed with the fact that the door was wide open, though.

A twitch in his eyelid occurred once he realized why Tom left the door so wide open. Hearing those familiar socks hit the floor grow louder forced Tord to sharply inhale. Tom returned, now empty-handed. "I've nothing else to do, so hanging out with you is my last resort."

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