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Tord gets a headache/an illness and Tom boyfriend comes to the rescue


possibly very similar to a previous oneshot but that's ok


Tord wanted to die.

He could practically hear a separate heartbeat pulsing in his skull, and the sensation was really starting to tick him off.

His brain felt swollen. His temples tensed and cried as what seemed like an invisible band squeezed the blood flow to his face. His pale face was only the background of a distressed expression; lidded eyes and a slightly agape mouth, eyebrows pushed up and his nose crinkled.

Tord wanted to move- or at the very least, flip over. The sweat that soaked in the bedsheets under him was starting to feel sticky and uncomfortably warm. But.. the headache overpowered such a desire to move. The only thing he knew he could move without exploding right now, were his limbs.

He used a shaky hand to try wipe away at some strands of hair that stuck to his forehead from the moisture, but with his hands just as sweaty, it was difficult to do so.

He couldn't do anything. That's why he wanted to die; anything was better than.. whatever this was.

Tord hissed as soon as the door swung open and a click of a light switch was heard. He was lying on his back, so his already aching eyes burned and flinched closed as a response to the obnoxiously bright bulb suddenly flickering on above him. He definitely wished he could flop over to his side and pull his thick comforter over his shoulder and head right now, but he was sure his head would explode from moving even an inch.


A familiar voice asked, the deeper voice almost heaven to Tord's ears.


His inside talking volume was relatively quiet, unlike his other two housemates. The slight rasp in his voice when he called out the Norwegian's name scratched an itchy part of his brain he didn't even know was there. Oh, and the very words he'd choose to say. Everything that came out of his mouth was basically perfect.

"Hm?" He spoke up and dragged his pupils over to the source of a voice, the headache causing him to use up all his effort to simply hum for half a second. His eyes were unfocused, but the mere sight of a blue blob infront of him still caused his face to soften.
He would usually flash a small grin or a cheeky squint at the other, but his face felt too heavy. He sighed in relief once Tom flipped the light back off, grateful for such a thoughtful boyfriend right now.

Tord simply watched as Tom approached him, face unchanging. Tord narrowed his eyes at the sensation of the mattress sinking to Tom's weight as he sat down. At this point, any kind of movement was bothersome for the headache-bearing man.

"Still sick, huh?" Tom commented, voice quiet and barely above a whisper. Tord didn't want to move his eyes off of Tom, only doing so when he moved too far off to the side and Tord's eyes started to ache from the strain. "It's not contagious, is it?" Tom added on to his first question, grabbing Tord's full attention again, but not enough to turn and look at him.

Tord mouthed the words to confirm Tom's statement to the affirmative. (Apparently even shaking his head was too much for him)

Pity now starting to gnaw a dull pain at Tom's stomach, he bent down to ruffle Tord's hair. This was unappreciated, the sudden movement causing a soft sound of discomfort to leave his chewed, chapped lips.

Tom snorted, but was quick to stop what Tord considered unpleasing. Tom kicked his slip-ons off with a soft thud against his red, carpeted floor and climbed onto the bed next to Tord. "Hey," He mumbled, voice low. "... What are you doing in my room?" It seemed the situation finally reaching the rational part of his brain.

What was Tord doing in his room?

A playful tone was weaved in his voice, the subtleness almost unheard by the sick man. Tord's eyebrow twitched as a raw reaction, but as the words sunk in, a small smile was tugging at the corner of his mouth. He hummed in a way that conveyed even he wasn't sure, but the smug, squinted eyes really weren't helping. The man next to him could only scoff, the teasing smile indicating he was only playing along.

"That's fine. If I get sick I expect to be treated the same."

Tord stiffened as arms wrapped around him. His head pounded at the sound and motion, but what he found himself inbetween afterward definitely was worth it.

Tom's arms were wrapped loosely around his abdomen. He treated Tord as if he were made out of fragile porcelain (And struggled to tangle their legs close together because of it). His eyes were pointed down, gaze focused on their legs and looking if he was hurting Tord; he was too focused to notice Tord's.. uncharacteristically loving gaze pointed toward him. and him only.

Oh, how he loved Tom.

Tom was so, very lucky that Tord's face stayed that way when he finally looked up to make eye-contact with him. Upon realizing why exactly he was stared at, Tom's heart melted.

He just had to poke fun, though.

"What, did the headache infect your eyes?" He huffed, leaning forward and dragging his shoulder against the mattress to allow himself closer to Tord. Despite his teasing words, his face was flushed pink. It wasn't everyday someone would stare at you like that, let alone continue to when caught.

Tord could only hum- and the vibration itself was enough to send a dull ache seeping into his skull.

Tom sighed. Tord tried so, so hard to stay present and responsive, and even he knew from the outside just how much effort it's spending him.

"Just relax. I'll take care of you, okay?" He whispered, but shushed Tord just when he was about to respond with a small nod (seeing how strenuous it was getting for the poor guy.) "Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I'll get you medicine later."


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