chapter 1

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001- chapter 1

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001- chapter 1

september 18th

KALIYA YAWNED getting up from her bed heading to her bathroom. Today was the day! It was her first day working as a sports journalist for the Golden State Warriors. Her emotions were all over the place, she was excited, nervous and everything in between.

She got up extra early to make sure she wasn't late. One thing she hated was being late. After brushing her teeth, she turned on her shower.

"Alexa play my "vibes" playlist" She announced to her Alexa. Every time she got ready for the day she needed music.

After thoroughly scrubbing herself clean, she got out and began her skin care, makeup, and hair routine.

She sang into her hair brush as "Get Along Better" By Drake played. After she finished, she checked making sure her hair and makeup looked presentable. She quickly took a few picks in her mirror before headed back to her room.

She picked out a black crop top, some baggy jeans, and a warriors letterman jacket to show some spirit.

After making sure all the doors were closed and her apartment was somewhat clean, she grabbed her keys and started making her way to the Oakland Convention Center.

one night...

"WE BACK!" Jordan exclaimed running into the locker room with excitement. Today was their first official practice of the new season. Everyone was a little sluggish since it was nine in the morning. But Jordan and Steph were the only ones awake.

"yessssir," Steph said dapping up Jordan.

"Okay now that everyone's here let's chat"! Coach Kerr announced to all of the players. "I just want to start of with saying how proud i am of you guys, you all were so hardworking and showed so much resilience throughout the whole season. But it's a new season now, so get you're asses up so you can practice."

With that being said, All the players stood up from their spots in the locker room and heading to the training gym.

"You guys go ahead and get started, the assistant coaches and trainers are in there. I have to go meet someone real quick" Steve told the players.

"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you!" a beautiful young women greeted Coach Kerr.

"Likewise, hopefully getting here wasn't to much of a hassle."

"It wasn't too bad,"

"Glad to here that." Steve smiled.

After the introduction, the Head Coach took the new journalist on a quick tour. He showed her where her office would be and also introduced her to many of the warriors staff.

"I took a look at your resume, you're once smart young woman. I'm very excited to have you here and i'm sure everyone will too."

She blushed at his statement. "Thank you i really appreciate it. I'm so excited to be here."

"Okay well i have to go coach my team now, so how about you can come meet the players and than we'll get your office set up" He recommended.

Kaliya smiled, "that's sounds perfect."

The sound of loud basketball's and players screaming filled Kaliya's ears instantly. She was so nervous. I mean who wouldn't be she was meeting THE Golden State Warriors. If she wasn't here to work she would probably be screaming and fan-girling so hard. But she needed to be professional.

"Everyone gather around," Coach Kerr announced to the whole team.

Kaliya's palms were sweating and it felt like her heart was beating out of her chest.

"I'd like to introduce you guys to our newest member of the warriors staff. This is Kaliya, she'll be running some of the media and will be our full time journalist."

"Hi everyone," She smiled shyly waving at the group.

Jordan's brows perked up and the sound of a familiar name. He was too busy looking around to even pay attention to her. But when he looked up and saw her, his stomach dropped.

No this can't be happening.

He rubbed his eyes thinking he was seeing things. But It was real. She was the girl from that night. He couldn't remember a lot of things from that night, but he could remember her.

I mean how could he forget that face.

Kaliya's eyes circled the group taking a look at everyone's faces. Steph, Klay, Juan, and Jordan.


Omg this can't be real. That's why he looked so familiar that night.

Now the two were both stunned. Their hearts were beating so fast. It was all just very awkward. All of the memories from two months ago started to fill both of their minds.

"Bruh you good, you look white." Juan asked.

Jordan gulped, "Umm i'm okay just thinking." he brushed off.

"Well i'm gonna let you guys get back to your training, but i will be seeing you all a lot more." Kaliya said walking to exit the building.

As Kaliya walked out the building, Jordan couldn't help but stare. It was no lie that she was absolutely beautiful.

"She seems nice!" Klay said snapping him out of his trance.

"Mhm" Jordan nodded

"Alright boys, Let's get to work!" Steve loudly announced.


zoey's corner!
welp that happened.... let's all pretend that juan still plays for the warriors. hope you all enjoyed!

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