Hurt by the west:

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The lace curtain's swayed lightly as the fresh morning air blew through the open window

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The lace curtain's swayed lightly as the fresh morning air blew through the open window. I laid on my side, watching the sun rise past the trees at the back of aunt Laura's property. I've laid here for hours, replaying the past few days in my mind.

I've finally stopped fighting the constant tossing and turning so here I lay with the right side of my body aching from laying in the same position.

I miss my bed, my home. I will forever be thankful for my aunt opening up her home to Me after a frantic phone call she'd received. But I miss my life.

I heard soft laughed erupt from downstairs before small chattering could be heard.

I sat up, wincing at the pain shooting through my muscles and pushed the rabid hair from my face. I tossed so much that I've knotted my hair around my head.

That's going to be fun brushing out.

I tossed my legs over the side of the bed before placing my feet against the cold wood flooring and lifted my body up and walked over to my bag that sat on the chair in the corner of the room.

All of the years we spent building a life together, this is all i have to show for.

A puny duffel bag full of clothes I quickly threw together.

I reached into the bag to grab a outfit out before I looked down and stopped in my tracks. The ring I wore as a symbol of love sat against my finger, glistening in the light. Lifting my right hand up, I slid my finger tips against it before I let out a shaky breath and pulled it off. He doesn't deserve this. He never deserved the vows I spoke of the love I shown him.

It was years I wasted on a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I hadn't even noticed I never took the ring off.

Someone who loves me wouldn't have hurt me so badly. All I can see is the look of pure hatred as he stood above me. The words he spoke to me were enough to break me in two.

I sat the ring on the dresser before wiping my damp cheeks and gathered clothes for a much needed shower.

I wiped the condensation off the round wooden framed mirror that sat against the conjoined bathroom wall

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I wiped the condensation off the round wooden framed mirror that sat against the conjoined bathroom wall. My face was red and puffy from the scrubbing i spent more time on in the shower than I would like to admit. Maybe if I scrub hard enough, it will disappear.

The marks would be gone.

Makeup can't cover up the hurt that screams inside of me and I hate it. But I can not spend my life allowing him to consume me. My marriage is in the past, I can't let it effect my future here in Utah.

I finished drying off my body before slipping into the clothes I picked out and forced a brush through my chestnut hair and splattered concealer over my cheek before exiting the bathroom and listened to my bare feet patter against the floor as I walked downstairs.

"What about the shetlands?" Laura's voice echoed through the house. "Their hooves needed a trimming." She spoke.

"They're all done, Mrs. William's." A male strangers voice spoke out, stopping me in my tracks. I felt my blood pressure rise quickly, causing me to get a bit light headed as I stood.

Am I scared of all men now? Great.

Silence filled the air before aunt Laura spoke out. "Hazel, dear. Is that you?"

I pushed my hands against my face before I sighed softly. I can run away. That's always a option. "Uh, yeah. It's me."

"Come in here. I have someone I would like for you to meet." She said, not really giving me any other options. Running away sure did sound nice though.

I pushed my damp hair behind my shoulders before walking into the kitchen where she stood in a pale blue shirt and jeans with her cane in hand. "This is Preston."

I turned my head, putting a name to the face of the man who stood with a white coffee cup clasped into his left hand as he stood, leaned against the counter top.

His dark hair was pushed away from his face, exposing his chiseled features and his dark eyes scanned between my face and aunt Laura's. "Hello." His deep voice boomed around me.

I felt my palms becomes slick as I locked eyes with him. His eyes looked quite sad. "Hello." I forced out, turning my heating body towards the cupboard that held the cups.

"Preston is my ranch hand. He has helped me since Richard's passing and is a god send." Her voice spoke.

I shot her a smile before grabbing a cup and placing it on the counter before pouring myself some black coffee and scanned the counter for any sort of cream or sugar. There isn't any.

Acting as if I wasn't bothered by that, I took a sip of the steaming coffee from my cup and instantly regretted the decision, almost spitting the molting liquid back into the cup.

"Are you alright?" Preston asked, causing me to quickly nod before placing the cup down and grabbing a paper towel from the counter and wiping my mouth.

"Sorry." I spoke quietly. "It's nice to meet you, Preston." I tried changing the subject, acting like I didn't just give myself second degree burns across my lips.

"The pleasure is all mine." He replied before placing his empty cup in the metal sink causing a clink to erupt.

I jumped slightly before tilting my head down and shutting my eyes. I've just met this man and here I am, making a fool of myself. He must think I'm some kind of mental case.

"Well we should get going. This place doesn't run itself." My aunt spoke, shoving the tension aside. "If you need to go to town, the mustang is parked in the barn and the keys are hanging over by the door." She spoke and left, leaving me here.

I turned my head and looked up at him before he gave me a curt nod and left. His boots boomed as he walked.

Once they were gone, I let out a large breath of held in air as I rubbed my face.

First things first, I need to find a job.
I'm not a freeloader.  I can't spend my days secluded inside these wooden wall's.

It can't be that hard. Can it?

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