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Aidan's POV

I am dumbfounded at the offer. 

What sort of ridiculous idea is this? I ask inwardly. 

How can she come here to tell me to marry her daughter, who does she think she is?

Why is everyone picking up the topic of marriage to me these days? I watch her shout furiously. 

She is angry and it shows how sincere she is about everything she has said. I remember the girl. Yes, I do and I remember the sex with her. 

It was the sex that changed something in me and brought back my urges. I thought of her for the first week after the sex with her but after having sex with another woman from a different club, I forgot about her.

I try to stay calm and handle the situation in a good way. I can decide to go for a DNA test after the baby is born to be sure the baby is mine and if it is, I will take responsibility, not because I want to but because I feel my mother will be glad about it. 

Maybe this will make her stop pressuring me about getting married. I left the mansion yesterday out of anger without checking up on her like I promised I would before leaving and she had called me this morning. After apologizing and explaining what happened, she reminded me of the discussion we had yesterday.

I don't like having conversations like this in the office. It causes distraction and I hate being distracted. I am still trying to get over the conversation with my father yesterday and here I am faced with another problem.

I know my father will be expecting me to come back to him for help but I would never do that. I am already looking for ways to win the ward, without his help.

"What sort of stupid offer is this? You want me to marry your daughter? Are you insane or something?" I am beginning to think this is all a trap. 

How can she come up with something as ridiculous as a marriage? I thought she would ask me to open a business for her daughter or take responsibility for the baby by sending them money every week or every month but here she is telling me to marry her daughter.

"Think about it, I will come to see you soon", she stands up, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

Without waiting for my response, she walks majestically to the door. Even though I would love to have a child so I can use that as an excuse not to get married as my mother wants, I know I need to be smart.

I feel this woman before me has a hidden agenda. Why isn't she taking the money I am willing to offer? 

I intend to give her some money and get my child from them once it has been confirmed that I am the father. But she isn't accepting my offer.

How does she expect me to accept her offer then? What is she up to? Why is she doing this?

"Evelyn", I stop her. I am making a mental note of her name and I will send it to my private investigator to find enough information about her. I need to know what she is up to and what she does for a living. I also want to know if my so-called baby is in safe hands.

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