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Evelyn's POV

I did not know how long I sat there, with my mouth open, looking into space, but I knew it was long enough for me to get up, pack my things and leave for home.

I can't believe my boss is asking me to accompany him to a party. It feels like I won a jackpot. I am excited and at the same time worked up. 

The way he flushed in the face speaks a lot. Is he attracted to me? Is this just a date? Is something going to happen between us?

My eyes fall on the wall clock and I see it is past 7 pm already. I stand up with a smile, contemplating on whether to go knock on his door and tell him I am in or I should just go home and pretend like nothing happened, hoping he won't ask me again.

This is the same person that shouted at me on my first day because I arrived late, making me feel like a schoolgirl being scolded by her teacher. 

This is something I didn't expect and now that it has happened, I still can't believe it isn't happening.

You are just to keep his company, my subconscious tells me. Why are you getting ahead of yourself?

My face falls. Why am I taking this too far when it's obvious he is just asking for my company?

I walk out of the dining area and move over to the door of his bedroom. He had rushed out of the dining room with a flushed face like someone who was chased. 

This is the first time I am seeing a lot of him and a lot about him. To be honest, he is a good boss and I understand him for shouting at me the other day when I arrived late. 

He has always praised my cooking ever since then. I try to put myself in his shoes and think of what I would have done if I were a boss. I know I will definitely scream at the so-called cook or even fire her.

One good turn deserves another, I say to myself as I get to the door and knock softly. I didn't hear any answer. I knock again, this time louder.

"Who is that?" I hear his deep husky voice asking.

"It's me, Evelyn." I reply.

"Come in", he orders. I push the door open and enter. He is sitting on his bed and I feel like going out immediately. I am feeling uneasy seeing him on the bed, with his long legs and a laptop on his lap.

"I'm sorry, sir...." I decide to just leave without saying what I intend to.

"What is it, Evelyn?" He questioned, cutting me short.

"Errhmm....I...I want...."

"If it's about what I said earlier, Just forget about it. You can go home." He dismisses me again.

"No, sir. I don't have any problem going with you. It came as a shock to me, it was something unexpected", I say to him in one breath, afraid that he won't let me accompany him again.

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