Chapter 1

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Soft snow hit the windowpane, slowing piling outside. Ashton was in bed curled up with his guitar in his lap. His little brother was fast sleep next to him. Henry fell asleep faster when Ashton sang for him. And Ashton didn't mind. Henry was the only person who he'd let hear him. It was a bit embarrassing for the young boy to admit but he did have a bit of stage fright. Ashton didn't like attention toward himself. He'd mostly like to stay in the sidelines and doodle.

His friends on the other hand were just the opposite. The clock shined a bright 7: 15 from across the room. Quietly, Ashton slipped off the bed, placed the guitar in the corner and let his brother sleep. Closing the door behind him, Ashton could see his mother and sister asleep in their own rooms.

They'll be here in about an hour. Ashton got to his own room and checked his phone again, for the fifth time tonight. He had re-read and re-read the messages his friends had sent him earlier in the day. He sighed. How did his friends not know that Ashton wasn't the kind of the guy that liked to party. He'd protested about going to this party for days but his friend's were stubborn.

With the weather not looking so good, Ashton prayed that somehow the party was going to be canceled. That hope was crushed with a new message that popped up on his phone screen. They'd be by his apartment in half an hour. Great, he thought. Well he might as well get dressed. Ashton soon had some black jeans and old band shirt on with some combat boots on. He figured this party was going to be inside, so there was no need to dress too warm.

Waiting in the living, he sat down until another text appeared, telling the boy that the car was outside. Ashton grabbed his heaviest jacket before locking the door behind him. His friends were outside, piled inside Matt's tiny car, most of them already plastered.

"Asht-ON!" Sebastian called from the passenger seat. "Time to get our party ON!" Ashton squeezed into the back seat, ignoring his drunken friend. Matt speeded off as soon as Ashton had closed the door, throwing the curly haired boy back into his seat. The party was in Brooklyn so the drive was just short from Queens. The boys jammed to the radio, talking about how the end of their school lives were about to end in couple of short months. Half of the boys in the car had some sort of scholarship to NYU or some other big university. Most of them sports related.

"Hey Ash, so glad you could make it tonight. This is probably totally different from you normal Friday nights." Sebastian spoke to Ashton through the rear view mirror. "You know, boring." Again Ashton ignored his friend. "Kidding, man. I'll make sure this is a night you won't forget."

Arriving to the party was overwhelming for Ashton. The street was already filling with parked cars and music could be heard booming from the lite up house at the end of the street. Crowds of teens were entering and exiting the house. It was a good thing Ashton didn't have claustrophobia, because entering the house was impossible. Each room on the bottom floor was filled to the walls with teens. Ashton remained at the front door as some of the friends parted, disappearing into the crowds. Sebastian came from behind him, placing an arm around Ashton's shoulder.

"Try and have some fun, yeah?" He then patted Ashton on the back and left the boy by himself. That was easier said then done. This wasn't his scene. And as much as his friends tried to be nice and get Ashton a social life, Ashton would be at home with his family, watching some stupid cartoon But he was a senior. When is he ever going to get a chance to party like this? College wasn't an option for Ashton. He couldn't afford it and he didn't want him mom to go into the debt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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