The date

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How did this happen I'm 1 hour away from grom and my... date. I stared in the mirror at myself. "How did you get this far Hunter?" I whispered to myself I was deep in my thoughts when I heard my scroll buzz. I picked it up and saw it was Edric. 

E- Hey Blondie you still coming O_O 

H- Yes- I'm coming now 

E- K

I grabbed my wallet and rushed out the door. I soon found myself in front of the blight manor I was nervous and confident at the same time I reached my fist out to knock on the door. A green haired girl answered. this was twin he is all the time talking about. "Oh you must be hunter!" She said in a cheerful tone "EDRIC YOUR BOYFREIND IS HERE" she yelled. I rolled my eyes but then I saw Edric coming down the stairs. He had on the most beautiful suit I had ever saw it made his amber eyes stand out. I started to get nervous again. "Hey Goldie, ya ready?" He said "I- uh yes" I managed to get out. he reached out his hand and I grabbed it. We then started walking towards the town. We got to the restaurant and I opened the door for him we walked to a table by the window and sat down. "So this exiting" Edric said, I nodded my head we finished up dinner with a pleasant conversation and a we flirted some. We had got to the school and walked into the gym. There were so many lights and loud music my ears had went down it was so loud. Edric noticed "Hey you okay?" He asked "mhm" I said, I really wasn't but I didn't want to ruin it for him. we walked to the dance floor and he put his hands on my shoulders. We had began to dance but when the music got so loud I couldn't take it any more. nudged edric out of the way and ran out the door. good job Hunter you just had to ruin it. I walked every where then I got up on a big hill I sat on a rock and tear ran down my eye. I was looking forward to this but I got overwhelmed the music, People everywhere around you, no thanks. I looked at the moon for a while then I heard something behind me "Hunter! there you are I've been looking all over" He said running up to me "Go away Edric I ruined your grom" I said "No you didn't. The noise was loud and the lights where every where. I would of got overwhelmed to" He said putting his hand on my shoulder. he then sat beside me and we talked awhile. "You know the nights not over yet.." He said standing up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up "What do you mean?" He grabbed something from his pocket, it was a little music device he turned on a song and put one of the headphones in my ear and one in his ear. "So Hunter, may I have this dance?" He asked extending his hand. My blushed a bit "You may" I said he put his hand on my waist and I put mine around his neck. I've never experienced anything like this before. are faces were so close I could feel him breathing on me. we danced a bit longer till Edric said "Hunter... can I kiss you?" I had turned all red but I replied "Yes" He leaned in and kissed me it was my first kiss. I kissed him back and then pulled away. I was trying to catch breath and so was he. "Oh my Titan we really just did that!?" I said. "Yep" He said with a big dumb grin. His face was all read to. "Ya know Ed I think this was the best night of my life"

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