Chapter 10

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*Tiombe's POV*
My hands were trembling as we sat back down in our seats. I can't trust anyone anymore, how can I know that it's not Arya in disguise?
The movie finally starts after a jurassic period of commercials.
Around the climax of the movie, Abrax put his arm around me. I REPEAT: ABRAX PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME. I've been waiting on him to do this since 4th grade! I didn't know what do do so I put my head in the crook of his shoulder. We stayed like this until the end credits.
We finally got out of the movie around 10:30 pm.
"Guys wait. The best part of all Disney movies is a hidden scene at the very end!" Apollo begged. Needless to say, the best scene rule does not apply to Marvel.
As we drove down the road to school, we passed a throbbing night club. The boys fistbumped.
"Oh yeah!" they cheered in unison.
"No!" I wined. Apperently, my opinion doesn't matter in this sense. After what happened tonight, I wasn't going to stay in the car alone, so I, hesitantly, went in.
After a while, it wasn't so bad. There was good music playing and people weren't out of their minds like you see in movies. It really reminded me more of a senior prom than a night club. There wasn't any alcohol, that I knew of, and the dancing was for the most part clean. Abrax parted from the group for a moment to get us punch. He came back with a cut on his face.
"What happened?" I said worrily.
"Those guys over there were talking about you, I couldnt let them get away with that," he answered, gesturing to two tall, college age guys darting for the door.
"You'd be surprised how scared people get when you throw a rock at them with your mind," he laughed.
"You could've gotten us noticed!" I said, lightly punching his arm.
"If they tell someone, the least anyone will look into it would be a substance test," he retorted playfully.
"Then it happened, just then, my childhood dreams came true. Right then and there, Abrax kissed me. No explanation needed, infact, I can't come up with the words to explain it," I said to the girls in the dorm when describing my date.

YAY! A happy couple. The funny thing is, the people I modeled Tiombe and Abrax after, they're not even dating. Oops ;-) <3 comment your thoughts o the story and how you would feel if I turned it into a movie. XOXO

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