Sirius and his motorbike

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Sirius Black and James Potter were driving at top speed down the streets of London. Half driving, half flying. Sirius steered his motorbike down the street, but much to their dismay a muggle cop comes driving behind them and is slightly confused with the slight aerial buoyancy of the motorbike. He followed it down an alleyway where there happened to be a dead end. They just lifted off the ground and started flying off into the sunlight.
Later at Grimmauld Place where James was visiting, they were tuning up the motorbike. They were trying to install James' invisibility cloak onto it so none of the muggles-- or wizards-- could see them coming. They successfully attached it, after a lot of trial and error, swearing and pieces flying everywhere. They decided to surprise Remus by flying up to his window and knocking to come in. (Little did they know that James' son would have a very similar experience) There was only one tiny flaw in their plan. Remus had the Marauder's map, which they charmed to show the holder's current location, rather than always Hogwarts. He just happened to have it in and he saw the names Padfoot and Prongs approaching his bedroom window. He plastered his face against the window and made himself look rather odd. When they drove up and saw him they started laughing and when Remus finally let them in (he needed a bit of hexing- erm... coaxing...) they just laughed and laughed until Remus' mom came up and asked if he had allowed a hyena inside his bedroom.
He looked rather mad, probably because he was watching the "veletision" or something and they disrupted his peace. They all decided to make a great escape and climb back out the window where their invisible magic motorbike was awaiting them, just wishing for a ride.

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