Chapter 6: April 12th

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Friday, April 12th

September 15th,
Welp guess who started choking on a new flower? That's right, me. It was a white rose. And it belongs to a guy named Valentine. He's so pretty though and it kinda sucks that his flower is helping me die. He lets me braid his hair. I'm not going to confess to either of them but especially not Valentine. He's an even newer friend than Benji. But they're both so pretty and Ben looks like he has really soft lips and they have really pretty hands both of them. Holy shit I'm fucked.

It was always fun to watch Noah gay panic but fuck. He had to go through this twice. He must've been in so much pain.

I shake my head slowly and close the journal.

Our school finally decided to address the curse on their school and do a tribute for everyone who died. Every year at least one person dies.

It started after a few football players died in 2022. So many people had died that I guess that's when they decided to finally acknowledge it. The first year they did this it was for anyone who died and was doing sports. This included the staff members. Last year they had done it for any student deaths that happened during the summer. That year Noah died. This year they're doing it for any students who died during the school year within the past couple years. Thankfully this is a smaller list than the others. Our school is weird but the principal is running like 5 different groups so we let it slide.

Hey y'all wanna meet up and grab something to eat before the tribute?

Cat boy:
Sure, Eric and I are free

Yea but where?

Bunny boi:
Taco Bell?

I'm not opposed to it, sure

Cool meet up at my place?

Cat boy:

I slip on my shoes and walk to Hailey's house. I open her door and call out to her.

"Hey! I'm in the back." She calls out. I take off my shoes and head to her room.

"Hi Ashley, you going to the tribute?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna head up early to help Mrs.Twins with stuff." She leans down to kiss Hailey and waves. I hear the door shut.

"Soooo, when are you going to propose?" I ask, smiling.

Hailey laughs softly. "Soon. I have the ring, I just don't know when or where or even how."

"Dinner is always good."

"But it's over used"

I hear the door open and someone call out. "We're here!"

"In the bedroom!" I replied. I turn back to Hailey.

"You could do a flash mob or a picnic and sing her favorite song."

"The picnic sounds good."

"What sounds good?" Finn asks, sitting on the bed.

"Hailey here is planning on proposing to Ashely."

"Oh my gods, really?" Hailey blushes, nodding.

"Yeah, sometime next week hopefully."

"Oh shit, you're gonna get married. The first of us to get married." Benji says, sadly. The others and I look at each other smiling sadly.

"Tell us when you propose so we can plan your wedding."

"Of course. Thanks guys, I love yall."

"We love you too Hails. Now come on, it's time for the tribute." As we walk out I turn to Finn.

"Hey, I thought Emily was coming?"

"She was but something came up at the station. Something about a murder confession."

"Oh shit, did you catch a name?"


Benji hasn't looked up from his phone since we left Hailey's house. When we get to the auditorium he rushes in. The rest of us slowly follow him. When we see him, he's hugging Zephyr.

"I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Well I was in Cali when you told me so if you didn't tell me last week I wouldn't have."

"Oh my gods, you were all the way in Cali? What were you doing there?"

"I took random highways and back roads for a full day. Got the idea from Noah actually."

"I think he wanted you to get lost." Benji says laughing. He was laughing!

"I mean that was the plan anyways, that's why I listened to him." Ben laughs loudly. Zephyr shakes his head before spotting us.

"Hey!" He waves at us. I grit my teeth and greet him

"Hello Zephyr." Finn looks at me before waving enthusiastically at Zephyr.

"Come on, the tribute will be starting soon." Hailey says, pushing us to a group of seats in the front. When we sit down Finn's phone goes off. He quickly answers. I can't hear what they're talking about but when Finn hangs up his eyes are filled with tears. I quickly pull him into a hug.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Who called?" I ask softly.

"That was Emily. Ash was murdered. By Victor." My mouth falls open.

"Holy shit. You said it was a confession?"

"Yea, apparently he's the one killing people. Jasmine and John weren't accidents. He didn't explain those ones but for Ash he said 'Ash wanted to leave. If I couldn't keep him, no one could.'"

"Noah did warn him. We had our suspicions for him, I hate that this was how we found out." Avery pointed out. "Are we going to plan a funeral for him?"

"He wouldn't want one." Hailey said. "His parents will have one but that's because they didn't care for him."

"If everyone could please stand while we pray for the families who lost their child." Most of the auditorium stood up. When they finished their prayer Mrs. Twin walked on stage with a microphone.

"Thank you to everyone who helped me put this together and thank you all for showing up." She walked off stage as the white board was lowered down. A song, See you later, started playing and a slideshow started. The slideshow stated how they died too. Jasmine, at the hospital. Tonight we found out that it wasn't true, that it was a murder. John, a boating accident. Hevana, hiking accident. DJ, suicide. Noah, suicide. There were videos of them dancing and laughing. They all looked so happy.

The tribute ended quickly and we said goodbye to Mrs. Twin before leaving. We grabbed dinner before going our separate ways. 

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