Chapter Seven.

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It was about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, I was a bit tired by now, but luckily, I was almost done.

I arrived really early in the morning because for some reason, the kids didn't have school today. Unfortunately, Harry was already awake by when I got there. So he hadn't stopped bothering me all day.


Right now, I was cleaning the window frame, when I saw a couple fancy, expensive cars, come up the driveway.

-Ummm...Harry?- I asked. Seconds later, he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered into my ear which gave me chills down my spine.

-What is it?-

-I...I-I umm...- I stuttered as I had forgotten what I was about to say as his hot breath slithered on to my cold skin. you recognize th-the cars outside?- I managed to say with difficulty.

His amazing green eyes flickered to watch the view and smirked. Then, he took his hands off my waist and went to go greet 4 boys outside.

"Who the hell are they?" I thought, but left it aside, I could probably care less anything having to do with Harry...I guess...


-Hey man!- Harry came to greet us.

I looked inside the house and saw a good looking chick, probably around Harry's or Niall's age.

-Whoa!- I told Harry secretly.-Is that her?- He turned to see where I was looking and noticed my eyes were on her, as I but my bottom lip, indicating that I liked what I saw.

-Yup.- he said popping the 'p'.

-She is at least 10 times hotter than the way you described her.- as I said this he chuckled. -Once you give up or finish with her...can I have her? I wanna be next on the list.-

(A/N: Don't get me wrong, I know the boys would never treat a girl like that, but it's just a fanfic)

-Don't trust yourself all that much...- he sighed. -she is pretty tough, until now, it's been quite a bit of effort, but I bet the end will be the best.- I laughed at the end.

-So is that a yes or no?- I asked once again.

-She's all yours if you can convince her.-

-All right!- I fist pumped making him laugh.

-C'mon, let's go.- he said leading us all towards his house, after our small secret conversation.


I went out to the backyard, And for my luck, (notice the sarcasm) those bunch of...of...what's the word I'm looking for? oh yeah! man whores. Wait, those are two words...oopsie daisy.

(A/N: guys, I'm sorry if I suddenly put swearing or curse words, if I do, they probably won't be to "cursable", I doubt that's even a word...oh well, who cares. The thing is that I'm very naive sometimes:D so...that probably finishes clearing the picture.)

They seriously didn't make me feel safe around them, that's why meanwhile they were next to the pool, I was was on the other side, trimming the bushes.

I suddenly felt a pair of hands grab my waist, which made me shiver a little, then I turned around to see who it was.

-Harry please st- I was cut off as I noticed it wasn't Harry, though he was really good looking, to be honest. He had straight brown hair, and bright blue eyes, and he gave me a smile, he seamed friendly, but I knew I couldn't trust him, especially if he was Harry's friend.

-Hello beautiful...what's your name? I'm Louis.- he asked, smiling.

-I, umm...please Louis, not to be rude, but I'm working, and I really want to finish.-

-Oh. I understand.- he showed me a smile of sympathy, which then turned into a evilish smirk.

"Oh gosh."

(A/N: when I put the " " 's it means what Bella is thinking CC: )

He got seriously close to me, it was uncomfortable.

He took me roughly and joined our lips together. I didn't kiss him back, but to be honest with you, I did kind of enjoy the kiss, but I couldn't let him know that, he would only take advantage of it.

I began to push his body away from mine, but the wouldn't budge, he was too freaking strong for me.

After a couple seconds, he ran out of breath and separated from me. I only stared at Louis, as if I was about to murder him. He only smiled evilly and wink at me, then, he turned around, smacked his humongous bum, and ran off laughing, and headed back with his mates. As for them too, they were also laughing their heads off, except for one good looking (why do they all have to be so damn good looking? why!?) brown haired boy, he was only smiling a little; who actually, seamed familiar...hmm...maybe I was just imagining...was I?

-Jerks.- I said under my breath and went back to trimming the bushes, though it wasn't long before, the were whistling at me and flirting and checking me out, literally. It really, really uncomforted me, but I couldn't do anything about it.

I was about to finish, when Harry came up to me, though I didn't turn to look at him, only my back faced him.

I pretended to ignore him, although his index finger slithered from my neck all the way to the end of my back, it was impossible to concentrate with his finger tips snaking their way down my back.

"That feels nice. Wait...what the hell am I saying? No it doesn't. Just smack yourself Bella."

I was about to smack myself, of course it would be really awkward, and it was no use, because I knew Harry's fingers tracing their way down my back, did feel nice. Oh Lord.

Suddenly, something really disturbed me. Harry spank my bum. I immediately, turned around and smacked him half way across the face. Hard.

-Don't your dare ever do that again.- I said between my clenched teeth. Very angrily.

I could allow lots of things, but never, NEVER, to be disrespected.

I walked away from him, leaving him behind, I was so angry with him right now, that I could care less about what he thought right now.

I walked passed his 'ball of jerks' or synonym as: his friends; who all were making pain gestures and just stared at me, or at Harry, without making a sound.

I grabbed my jacket off of the coat-hanger and furiously opened the door, but as I was about to step out, someone gently held my arm...

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