Not An Act

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Cameras flash all around you as you arrive at the red carpet event. The suit you're wearing appears to have gone over well if the reaction from your fans and loud clicking of camera shutters was anything to go by, and you offer the gathered crowd your stunning smile.

Scarlett watches on, her heart hammering inside her chest as she takes in your attire. Your suit incorporated the same exact shade of green that made up her dress and for a moment she lets herself imagine that the two of you planned it that way, that the two of you were each other's date. This illusion is quickly broken when your actual date steps out of the limo next. She too wears the same shade of green, though her dress is far less of a show stealer than the blondes was, so at least she had that. Though she'd much rather have you.

Jealousy fills her as she watches your date loop her arm with yours, and the legitimate smile she was sporting for the paparazzi mere moments ago turns into something much more forced. Not that any of the people around her notice, they simply carry on cheering and snapping photos as you continue to walk forward.

Scarlett wishes she could just turn and continue her own walk, but she can't. Not only would it be rude because the two of you are close friends, but you're also costars. Which means photos together and perhaps a short interview or two are expected before being able to head on into the event.

"Hey Scar" you greet, a soft smile on your face as you open your arms to hug her

She allows you this embrace, but doesn't linger in your arms like she normally would. She's unsure if it's your date or the cameras that have caused this difference, but she hopes you don't notice. You of course do notice, because you notice all things Scarlett at this point. Years of friendship will do that, so will years of secret yearning.

"Hi Y/n." she greets, resisting the urge to kiss your cheek and leave a smear of her lipstick behind

"That dress looks incredible on you" you admit, eyes raking over the sleek fabric

"Thank you", she says, attempting not to blush in front of so many witnesses, "And you look great in that suit."

You smile wide, "One might say it suits me?"

The blonde rolls her eyes as both she and your date chuckle, and it's then you realize you've forgotten something important. You quickly gesture to the girl beside you and reluctantly she follows along.

"Hi" she greets, offering a tight lipped smile

The girl beams, "Hi Miss Johansson, it's an honor to meet you!"

"Pleasures all mine..."

"Brooklyn!" she answers enthusiastically, and Scarlett finds herself doing everything possible to not roll her eyes in annonce

You offer a slightly embarrassed smile as her eyes meet yours again, "Shall we pose for a few pictures?"

She readily agrees, eager to get you away from the bimbo you brought and have you all to herself. You excuse yourself from your date before following your best friend over to a backdrop that has the Marvel logo embossed on it.

"Y/n! Scarlett! Over here!" one of the paps shouts in an attempt to earn your gazes

"Closer! Get closer to each other!" another shouts

Instinctively you wrap an arm around her waist, and not realizing this move made her breath hitch you smile for the cameras. She somehow manages to pull herself together in time for the clicks and flashing to begin, but her mind never wanders from the way your arm feels around her. After a few minutes full of various poses the two of you separate, much to Scarletts annoyance to head over to interact with a few fans.

Scarlett Johansson OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now