•Leo Pov•
I just stood there stunned looking at the wolf girl under the demon's wings. It like she is protecting her?
"Who are you"
Donnie then walk to the Demon with stars in his eyes.
"Any what are you!?"
Raphael ran over seeing the scene. He looked over at a happy Donnie and my confused face. He walks closer to the girls. Poking the wolf and then the Demon. Her tail twitched and her wings slowly moved.
"How dare yu-"
Raphael screamed as he took the tranquilizer from Donnie and shot the girls again. Mikey,Donnie and I laughed our butts off seeing this. Raph then made a pouting face as he just walked over to the girls again.
"So what even happened?"
Donnie and I then explained everything
"We should help them"
Mikey pleaded
"Nope that Demon tried yo kill Donnie!"
Raphael screeched
"But Raph can I at least experiment on the demon girl?"
We look at Donnie
"Why not the wolf?"
I asked
"I always knew werewolfs were real so I don't care for that."
We just sighed at Donnie explanation
"Well I say we should bring them both"
Mikey and Donnie agreed with me but Mr. Worry Wort was screeching again. Saying how much it was a bad idea as I picked up the wolf girl. She is actually kind of cute even though her friend tried killing my bro. Her hair or fur? Is so soft.
"Leo are you listening to me!?"
"Huh what?"
I was so zoned out
Raph sighed as we continued walked back to the lair. Soon we made it and I put the wolf in the med room. I kind of wanted to know more about her. She seems to be nice because she didn't try to kill use and I have a feeling about her...
•Donnie Pov•
So this is the demon who has been running around town? She is actually pretty for a demon who tried to kill me and my brothers. I put her in a glass cell to get some data on her. Let's see she seems to have black wings, fangs, horns, long tail, claw like nails, and magic or powers? Her levels seem to be fine yet she seems more powerful then the normal human...
•Mimi's Pov•
God my head hurts so bad. I feel so cramped up I need to stretch my wings. I slowly open my eyes to see a blurry green and put figure. Then my vision clears and I see that dame turtle. But where is Akira!? Is she okay or did they put her in a lab too!!! I bang on the glass hissing and screeching.
"Why should I listen to you!? YOU SHOT ME AND AKIRA!!!"
"We saved you and want to help u with the foot clan"
I look at the turtle in his eyes. He didn't seem to be lying or he is pretty good at it. I slowly calm down.
"Here is Akira?"
"Oh yeah the wolf girl? She is a bit hurt but-"
•Akira Pov•
I slowly open my eyes. I see blue just blue eyes staring back at me. They are like the sky or the ocean. They are just so pretty. I think I've seen them before like it was just yesterday or maybe I FEW HOURS AGO!
"Oh you awake!"
I growled
"Yeah sorry about that but the Demon chick was going after us so we had too.."
I sighed know Mimi can be like this
"But hey what is your name wolf girl?"
I giggled
"My name is Akira!"
"That's a pretty name for a pup~"
I felt my face heat up
"Shut up turtle boy!"
I barked back
"Hey! The name is Leo, Leonardo!"
He dramatically bowed with a smirk on his green face. I wagged my tail feel much better and I think I can trust him. I mean his seems nice and he hasn't hurt me yet. What what about Mimi thought?
"What happened to Mimi?"
"Oh that Demon girl?"
I nodded my head
"Oh ye all she is-"
Then we heard a screech
I signed as I heard Leo trying not to laugh. Then I see another turtle run behind Mimi. She then ran through the door hugging me until I felt like I was being crushed. She then let go and started checking if I got hurt to bad. I giggled wagging my tail and smiling. Mimi is the best person ever no! she is the bestest friend ever!
"I'm fine Mimi!"
"Oh good"
I look behind her to see a purple turtle look a Mimi studying her wings and tail like a mad man. I growled putting my ears back.
"And who are you?"
The turtle jumped and waved Hi
"Oh I'm Donnie. Leo's brother"
I stop growling and put my ears back up. If he is Leo's brother then I think I can trust him too. I looked back at Mimi.
"Why was Donnie looked at your wings and tail?"
Mimi sighed looking back at the nerd like boy behind her. He was wearing his goggles still looking at her. He was taking notes too.
"He doesn't understand stand supernatural stuff like Demon, Angels,Witches, Magic stuff. So he wants me to help him with experiments. Kind of like a lab rat"
I smacked Mimi on the back of the head
"Your new friend wouldn't call us lab rats!"
He looked at me dumbfound
"New Friends?"