6 - Delilah

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He was so close,  I could feel his breath.

    Memories of mornings together laying in bed just the two of us, wrapped up in one another infiltrated my mind. The familiarity of it overwhelmed every single one of my senses. Like the feeling of the morning light while wrapped up in bed, comfortable and warm.

    Even after all these years he still had the same effect on both my body and mind. He's close enough that we can breathe the same air. His nearness is a reminder of how this was second nature before It was forgotten.

    I watch him lean down even closer. If moved even in the slightest our lips would brush one another's in a kiss. I couldn't breathe. My heart was racing a mile a minute and my hands flexed and unflexed beside him as if needing something to grab that wasn't him. I needed to remain level-headed.

    He was breathing real heavy, his chest moving up and down erratically like the pace of my own heart. His eyes were closed but mine were wide open now wanting to remember this moment and paint a picture of my past.

    He moves his body closer, almost touching my own, and goes in to press his lips to my mine, but before he gets the opportunity I turn my head at the last minute, and his soft but cool lips land on my skin. I am still at the contact, completely aware of the way his lips feel against me.

    "Mason." He stills, pulling back. I hear him swear under his breath and I almost reach out to squeeze his arm.

    He knows we shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't be pretending like there isn't a reason we broke up and left one another all those years ago. We are back in the same position but this time it's a weekend. Just forty-eight hours of confusion and remembering what was lost. Even less time to make sense of it all.

    "Del," he sighs and steps back just a step, all while keeping his eyes trained on my face. His gaze was like a tattoo gun, leaving traces of invisible ink along my skin and the heat of it all in its wake.

    His eyes were pained and his jaw clenched like he wanted to say more. Say anything. But I know he knows we can't do this again, and like last time I was the one who stepped up and did it for us. I'd do that again if I had to, at this moment. He has a heart of gold and always struggles to say what we both knew, so I do it for him

    "We both know how this ends." I smile up at him, wanting to remember the good and not the bad. "You're going back up to Boston tomorrow. Don't make this hard."

  He nods his head, dropping both arms from around me. I don't miss the way his hands clench into fists as if grasping for what could have been.

    "I hate how reasonable you are sometimes." His voice is a whisper almost lost in the night wind but I catch it anyway. It's suddenly a whole lot cooler standing against this wall without his body heat surrounding me.

    "Someone has to be."

    "I know." He sighs and turns to the street.

    Maybe if times were different. Maybe if he didn't have to leave again and I didn't have to finish off school, then just maybe things could end differently. I might've let him kiss me tonight under the stars in our old hometown like we were teenagers again. I might've even let him come home with me.


    But not in this reality.

    "I'll take you home then. Don't want Clara killing me." He tries to joke. Tries to lighten the already heavy air between us. As if a joke could be a bandaid on the already fractured night.


    Walking back to the car is almost entirely silent. There aren't many people out and about on the sidewalk but the few that do a double take at who walks next to me. They stop and gasp but then keep going as if remembering he's a real person and it's rude to stare.

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