The Gremory Peerage

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I walked into school, yawning.  Mistral was next to me, holding my arm between her... you know.  She grinned at me as I smiled.  We were about to walk into class, when I heard a lot of girls squealing in excitement and someone put their hand on my shoulder.  I instantly sensed strong energy coming out of them.

Kiba: Jack Raiden?  My name is Kiba Yuuto.  I'm sorry to approach you out of nowhere, but Rias Gremory wants to talk to you.

Jack: Okay.  Come on, Mistral.  Let's see what she wants.

Mistral nodded, but the boy held out his hand.

Kiba: Actually, she only wants to see you.

Jack: Whatever your master needs, Mistral can hear it too.

Kiba looked surprised that I knew he was a servant, but nodded and led us to a run down building on the edge of school grounds.  Or at least I thought it was run down.  As Kiba led us inside, we sat down on nice leather couches in a fancy living room.  I heard a shower running somewhere, and a girl with long black hair walked in.

Akeno: Hello.  I'm Akeno Himejima.  Would you like some tea?

Mistral: I'd love some.  Thank you Akeno.

Jack: Do you have coffee?

Akeno smiled, nodding.  She walked out of the room, and came back a few minutes later with tea and a cup of coffee.  I thanked her as a door opened and a girl with long red hair walked in, followed by the short white haired girl from the night before..

Rias: Hello Mr. Raiden.  It's nice to meet you.

Jack: Nice to meet you as well, Ms. Gremory.  Now what did you need me for?

Rias: To start off, Koneko told me what you are capable of.  She reported it back to me last night.  In addition, you are harboring a Fallen Angel in my territory.

She gestured towards Mistral, who looked nervous.  I nodded towards her and she calmed down.

Jack: Yeah.  So why did you call me here?

Rias: I'll cut straight to the chase.  I want you to join my peerage.

I chuckled.  I probably should've seen this coming.

Jack: I'm sorry, but I'll have to refuse, Rias.

Rias looked surprised, but quickly regained her composure.

Rias: But... why not?  I sense no energy coming off of you, meaning that you are a human.  If you joined me, you'd have a longer life, you could be stronger...

That got me to laugh.  I stood up as a dark aura gathered around me, and everyone in the room began shaking.

Jack: I am far from human, Rias Gremory.  And I don't need any help becoming stronger.

I sat back down as everyone stopped trembling.  I smirked at Rias, before taking a sip of my coffee.

Jack: I won't join you, but I'm willing to work with you.  Also, Mistral and my sister are not going to join your peerage either.

Issei: You have a sister?

My eye twitched.  Dammit, I hadn't seen him.  If he says what I think he will...

Issei: Is she cu-

He was cut off by me slamming him into the wall, my sword at his throat.

Jack: You so much as LOOK at my sister, and I will cut off that sacred gear and shove it up your ass, Hyoudou.

I dropped him as he gasped for breath.  I walked back over to Rias, sticking out my hand.

Jack: Sorry about that.  It's just... you know, she's my little sister.  So do we have a deal?

Rias nodded, shaking my hand.

Rias: I look forward to working with you, Jack.

Jack: You as well, Rias.

Rias: Before you go... I am about to bring my peerage to get familiars for my newest members, Asia and Issei.  Would you like to join us?

I nodded as a red circle appeared under all of us.  Mistral ran over and grabbed my arm, just in time for the circle to teleport us away.  When the red light died down, we were standing in the middle of a forest.  A man appeared, and he looked suspiciously like Ash Ketchum if he'd given up Pokemon and started his own meth lab.  He spoke in rhymes, explaining how the forest worked, but I just began walking away.

Rias: Where are you going?  It's dangerous to go alone!

Jack: Trust me, I'll be fine.  Mistral, I'm heading for the more dangerous areas.  Do you want to come with me or stay with them?

Mistral: I-I'll stick to the more safe areas.  Be safe Jack.

She ran over, kissed me, and ran back. I smiled, walking off into the forest, but the ground started rumbling.  The earth split open, revealing cupped skeleton hands that opened to reveal my sister.

Emily: Big bro, where are we?

Jack: The Familiar Forest.  What are you doing here?

Emily: I came because I couldn't sense you in Kuoh anymore, so I was worried.  Can I get a familiar too?

I nodded as she looked excited, following me into the trees.  A few minutes later she perked up, looking around and suddenly running off.  I shrugged, assuming she sensed something.  All of a sudden, I was pushed to the ground, pinned under something heavy.

???: Why are you here, human.

I threw the creature off of me and it slammed into a tree, falling back to its feet and crouching down, ready to leap at me.

I threw the creature off of me and it slammed into a tree, falling back to its feet and crouching down, ready to leap at me

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Imagine the glowing pink parts are green

???: Huh.  I thought you were a human at first, but your scent is... off.

Jack: Why DOES everyone think I'm a human at first?  Eh, whatever.  Do you want to be my familiar?

???: Hm... alright.  I'm bored of this forest anyways.

There was a flash of green light, and the creature was gone.

There was a flash of green light, and the creature was gone

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Nida: I'm Nida.  Nice ta meetcha, master.

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