Chapter Three

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Melody followed Austin out of the house as she carefully held the puppy; the cold air helped clear her foggy head a little. 

What was Austin doing here already? The stupid party wasn't until this weekend; she didn't think she'd see him before then. She was not ready for his handsome, tall self to be standing her in her kitchen and the facial scruff. What's that new sexy thing!?

The dog started licking her hand obsessively, "it's okay," she soothed it.

Way to go, Mel, you're stressing out a puppy, she scolded herself. Austin was already getting into his car, and she hesitated. Would he think it was super weird if she wanted to drive separately?

"Bell, are you coming?"

"Uh yeah," she answered both his and her question and hurried to his car.

He got in and started it up; the last time she'd sat next to Austin in his passenger seat, she was maybe sixteen, and it felt so weird.

The puppy was playful and cute, so she distracted herself with it.

"What's your name, little guy?" She asked, and he wiggled in response. "Maybe Romeo? No.. teddy bear"-

"You can't name him," Austin stopped her. "He probably already has a name."

"Well, I don't know it, so I'm giving him one," she said.

"You'll confuse him," Austin countered, "when we find his owners and they call him his real name."

"One day of being called a different name isn't going to hurt him," she said, "he's too little to retain his name anyway."

"No, he's not."

"Is too," she rolled her eyes, "You went to med school, not animal school."

"He's such a know it all, isn't he?" She cooed at the happy pup as she picked him up.

"I haven't seen you in five years, and you throw a brush at me and then insult me?" He said in a teasing tone.

"It's not an insult, if it's a fact," she retorted, "you've always been a know it all."

"Have not," he said as he stuck his tongue out at her; she couldn't help but giggle at it. It felt a bit like old times. The puppy got excited when she laughed and started jumping all over her lap.

"Careful, Rudolf!" She told him.

"Rudolf?" Austin slowed down as they reached Main Street.

"It's festive."

"You're still a Christmas dork, I see." He scoffed.

"Watch it, Thorne!" She threatened.

"Oh, sweet! The hot chocolate cart is already set up!" Austin's eyes widened in excitement as they drove by the colorful stand. There was a small line waiting behind it. It was only set up for the holidays. It was the richest, creamiest; most magical drink one could have.

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