The incident

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It was a normal day in Nagasaki, Japan. Everyone was going through their daily routine, the birds were chirping, and the flowers were blooming. A 12 year old Togaru Kamakiri was strolling around looking for bugs.

Kamakiri: Wait, is that what I think it is?

He slowly approaches a nearby tree.

Kamakiri: That's a Hierodula patellifera (Giant Asian Mantis) I never see these around here.

He leans in closer and coaxed the Mantis into his hand to hold it.

Kamakiri: Oh you're such a pretty girl. I got the perfect enclosure for you. I can't wait to show you to-

???: Hey Freak!

Kamakiri turns around to see a group of people approaching him.

Kamakiri: 'Oh shit.'

???: Ew, it looks like bug.

???: Go back to where you came from you hideous heteromorph freak!

Kamakiri: Leave me alone, I'm not bothering any of you.

The Mantis in Kamakiri' hand flew away because of all the sudden movement.

Kamakiri: 'Damn it, of course.'

???: Actually you are bothering us with your existence. Your parents should be ashamed to let a tainted blood monstrosity like you, walk around here like you're a normal person.

Kamakiri: Keep my parents out your fucking mouth!

???: Aww, did I hurt your feelings? Don't you worry, your parents will be able to visit you in the hospital after we're done you.

The group started to approach Kamakiri with the intent to jump him. Kamakiri quickly produced his signature arm blades to protect himself.

Kamakiri: Stay away from me!

???: Of course it has a dangerous quirk too.

The group after learning of Kamakiri's quirk backed off. Kamakiri breathed a sigh of relief.

Kamakiri: I was having a good day too. Guess I better go home now.

*Five minutes later*

Kamakiri was walking back home until he felt something hard hit his back. He turn around to see the same group from before throwing rocks at him. He just stood there, staring at them in shock of how persistent these people were and how much they hated him for how he looks. He could hear all the expletives they were spewing at him but instead of yelling back or fighting them he just turned around and left.

*Another five minutes later*

Kamakiri was once again walking home but was much slower. He was looking down, lost in thought. However, his thoughts were interrupted by a scream. He looks up to see a little girl being chased by a rabid dog. Before he could think, he sprinted after them. The little girl then tripped and fell. She turned around to see the dog quickly approaching her. She screamed and braced for the attack but Kamakiri quickly rushed to her and kicked the dog away from her. Kamakiri got between the dog and the little girl as the dog recovered from the kick. The dog then growled then charged at Kamakiri. He then produced his arm blades and slashed the ground in front of the dog. The dog after seeing the boy's quirk retreated.

Kamakiri: Yeah, go on get you son of a bitch!

Kamakiri turned around and looked at the little girl.

Kamakiri: You okay?

The girl silently nodded

Kamakiri: Could you tell me where that dog came from?

LG: I don't know, *sniff* I was walking home when the dog saw me and started chasing me.

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