Why does time go by so fast?

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A/N: just an extremely quick one, welcome to the first chapter of mjm! enjoy;)

Y/N's pov.

"...you the...? y/n?" I hear a voice softly speak. I recognize it but decide to ignore it since I can't be bothered, not today. It leaves for a minute, and I feel the sensation of harsh, cold water being splashed onto my face. 

I shoot up and see my older brother clutching his stomach, sounding like a dying weasel. I hold back a smile as I push him, he falls onto the floor, and I dump the rest of the water on him. "Y/N!! That isn't fair!!" He says through tears at this point. I start to giggle and lay down next to him. The atmosphere is filled with- "Y/N! THOMAS! SHUT UP BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" never mind then.

I help my brother get up off the floor and lead him downstairs.  Hand in hand, we step into the large, 'a little too fancy for an orphanage' dining hall and take our seats. We glance at each other and I hold up 4 fingers while he holds up 3. I have no interest in talking to anyone but I'll do it for him. I glance at him, flash a small smile, and start a conversation with another kid. "3 sentences, 3 sentences" 

I end the conversation with a small hum and turn back to my brother, who was taking his presumably second bite of the stale, cold porridge sitting on the table. I take his hand and gently squeeze it, which he notices and gently smiles while looking down at his plate. I smile and take a small glance at the clock. 9:43 AM, later than usual. I mentally shrugged and looked over at my brother, who was holding his stomach.

"What's wrong?" I gently whisper, "How many did you take?"

"Three. I don't think I can do anymore." He looks over at me with glossy eyes, it hurts me so much to see him like this.

"That's alright, you don't have to eat four, three is a very good amount. I'm proud of you, toms" I smile at him, one that he quickly returns and hugs me gently shortly after. 

I pull away from the hug and start eating my porridge, it tasted disgusting, but I didn't expect anything better. I finished about half of it before pushing the porridge away. 

I excuse myself to head back up to my room but get stopped by Mrs.Carder.  

"Y/n? Can I please see you and Tom in my office for a moment?" She said sweetly. This woman hated us, but she couldn't scare the smaller kids. 

"Sure, I'll go get him," I hesitated, "he's just in the dining hall."

"Alright, be quick." She ordered and shot me an unnoticeable glare.

I rush to the dining hall and tap on Tommy's back. He quickly turns in defence, throwing his hands up in the air. He realizes it's me and puts them down, grumbling something under his breath. I laugh it off and tell him to follow me to Mrs.Carder's office and he reluctantly agrees. 

The fancy office has two lavish chairs and a large desk at the back, surrounded by bookshelves. Tommy steps in first, me trailing after him. 

"Sit down." The stern voice snapped. We follow, sitting down on the opposite side of the brunette. 

"Listen, because I am only going to say this once. Me having to repeat myself will get you thrown out like a wet dog." I gulped, she is fucking terrifying.

"There was a problem with the noise level in your room today," she turns to Tommy, "if I hear from ANYONE," she emphasizes, "that you have been making a nuisance of yourselves again, there will be consequences."

We both quickly nod and scurry out of the office, until we hear her voice again. "Oh, and get yourselves looking at least half-decent. You have a family of 3 coming to see you at 11 AM sharp."

We glance at each other with glossy, teary eyes.

"Yes, Mrs.Carder." Tommy yelped and dragged me out of the fancy office and up to our room.

He shuts our door and throws a pair of jeans and a white, cable-knit sweater on my bed rather aggressively. "Put this on. Please." He turns his head away from me, carrying black jeans and a red shirt in his arms to the washroom. I watch as he walks away, what the fuck just happened? I glance a the now-shut door and turn to my clothes, slipping them on.

I glance at the time, 10:02 AM. I bang on the washroom door, still waiting for tommy to come out. I get an indistinguishable yell and I sigh.  I walk over to my bed and lay on it, gazing at my bedside table. I hear grumbling coming from the bathroom and the door opens, revealing a carbon copy of me, just with shorter hair, different eyes, lighter skin, yeah never mind. "Finally!" I exclaim, dramatic expression dripping from my voice.

He chuckles and lays face down on the bed, taking his first nap of the day. I'm surprised he managed to stay awake this long. I'm only kidding of course, he usually goes about 6 hours before a nap. I step into the bathroom grabbing my hairbrush and repeatedly glancing at the clock. 10:28, 10:29, 10:30, 10:32. I finish brushing my hair, combing it out with my fingers to create a sort of messy, but not too messy kind of look.

The thing is, me and my brother have different fathers. His dad is white with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, which he obviously inherited, but my father is a black man with dark brown curly hair, and chocolate brown eyes. I got the hair colour, eyes, and brown skin but my hair is more straight than curly, from my mother.

While examining my facial features, making sure everything looks perfect, and having a small, tearless breakdown about having to speak to 3 people at once, I didn't notice that is was already 10:47 AM.

I rush out of the bathroom ad shake my brother awake. Him not having time to respond to anything, I swiftly straighten out his bed hair and drag him out of his bed and into the lobby. It is only them where he glares down at me, now in a bad mood because I've woken him up.

10:57 AM.

A/N: Finally! we are done this chapter, Before i started writing this like an hour ago, i had like 350 words written and I was finally able to finish, even a bit earlier:) This chapter has 1087 words and has not been edited yet:) ahhhh I'm so excited about the first chapter, I truly love what I've done with it and I hope you enjoyed! expect the next chapter to be done by thursday:) 

- nika<3

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