mad man with a box

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The fog isn't clearing
I am still sinking
But I'm trying to be hopeful
Because he would be
My mad man with a box
He would tell me it gets better
He would tell me to keep going
He would tell me there's so many adventures to go on
He's seen sadness
He's experienced things i never will
But He's still hopeful
Still laughs and has fun
If he was real
He would be here
My mad man
He would sit and listen
As i ramble on and on
He would tell me it's okay to be depressed
He would tell me the world isn't always cruel
That there is light

And when I felt better
He would wisk me away
Show me the stars
The far past and the distant future
We would run
God we would run
He would be the Doctor i needed

poems from a Boy who doesn't write poemsWhere stories live. Discover now