Chapter 2

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Scarlett focused on her notes as the classroom filled with the other students.

"She's early," Olivia commented as she caught sight of her, "as always," she rolled her eyes, "hey! You know the teacher doesn't care if you come earlier than everyone else, right?"

Scarlett didn't notice the words were intended for her as she continued reading.

"She's so annoying!" Olivia glared.

"Relax," Louis chuckled, "she's not even doing anything."

"That's why she's annoying!" Kaylee reasoned, "hey! Scarlett! Maybe stop pretending to be perfect! My mom's up my ass because of you!"

Scarlett didn't respond as she paused for a second before continuing her task.

"Same," Olivia tsked, "it's so unfair. Of course, she'd be smart! All she does is study. It's not like she has a life!"

Louis shrugged as he sat down, "that's true. Hey, Scarlett... why don't you have any friends? - I mean I'm sure there are people that would want to be friends with you..."

{Flashback to elementary school}

"Scarlett!" Kate squealed, giggling to herself, "why are you so late?" she cried.

Scarlett looked down at her pink watch, "I'm on time..."

"But if you don't come early, how are we supposed to play?" Kate reasoned with a pout.

"I can't come earlier just because you want to play, Kate," Scarlett sighed, "be reasonable."

"I am being reasonable," Kate argued, "you said you can't come play at my house, so you have to come earlier!"

"Kate," Scarlett groaned, "my parents won't-."

"Parents, parents, parents," Kate mimicked annoyed, "do you not want to be friends with me?" she asked quietly, "is that why you say we can't play at your house either?"

"No," Scarlett gasped, "that's not it! I swear!" she spoke fast, "it's just my parents-."

Kate stomped her foot, "I hate you. Don't talk to me anymore!" she rushed away.

Throughout the day, Scarlett tried to talk to Kate, hoping she could somehow make her understand... but Kate wouldn't listen.

At the end of the day, Kate saw Scarlett talking to another girl in their class.

"Are you and Kate not friends anymore?" she wondered.

"We are," Scarlett stated annoyed, "Kate is just mad because I wouldn't come to school earlier... I'll try to come earlier from now on," she insisted, "and I'll apologize, and then we'll be okay!"

Kate frowned, she felt bad now. She tried to pack up faster and follow Scarlett to apologize but she was already being escorted outside by her driver.

"Scarlett!" Kate called as she ran behind the car.

Kate followed the car all the way to the house, taking a break once she saw it go inside the huge gate. How should she go inside? She couldn't go now, she thought, it would be obvious she didn't have permission... she'd have to wait, she nodded. Then she'd go and say her mom dropped her off!

Scarlett frowned as she entered the house.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Ruby wondered, pulling her into a hug.

Scarlett pushed her away, "Kate is mad at me because you won't let us play together!"

Ruby laughed warmly, "Kate?"

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