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M/n:I was driving to my parents house but my phone started ring it was from mom...
(I pull over and picked up my phone)
M/n: what is it mom?
Mom: nothing I just wanted to check up on you that's all...
M/n: really? Ok then...but do you need anything?
Mom:no it's fine I just have a Bad feeling...
M/m:oh um ok...
Mom:see you soon honey...please stay safe...
M/n:I will (I hang up the phone)
M/n: that was wired...mom never calls me unless it's important...
(I started my car again)

(A few minutes after i started my car it suddenly stops)
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

M/n:fuck I forget to check the gas...(I was going to check my phone so I can call someone to get me but as I looked up my eyes widen)

(A Truck was going towards me at full speed I tired to get out but...it was to late the truck hit my car and it started to catch on fire all and before i blackout was police sirens)

━━━ ◦end of M/n's pov◦ ━━


︎-Mom's pov-♡︎
(a few minutes after I called my son the telephone started to ring I want to get)

Police : hello is this -mom's name- l/n?
Mom:yes that's me.
Police:I'm sorry to inform you that your son was gotten into a accident
Mom: w-what...?...I-IS HE OK!?
Police: you're not sure yet...but his in a hospital right now
Mom:o-ok what hospital?!...
Police:it's - hospital name-
Mom: t-thank you (I hang up the phone)

}No one's pov{
(Mom quickly rush to the hospital and want to Wait after your surgery end's)
//A few hours later//

Doctor: are you miss l/n?...

Mom:yes t-that's me but is my son OK!?...

Doctor:I'm sorry but he didn't make it...

Mom: w-what N-no No NO NO NO NO PLEASE NO!!(as she fell on her knees sobbing)

Doctor:Im sorry for your lost...
(As the doctor walk out of the room)
(Mom want to your hospital room as she want there she saw you with a white blanket covering your whole body as she got closer to you corpse
She started to sob more more
Holding your hand apologizing over and over again)
M/n pov:
(I felt a buzz all over my Body and eyes started to open and I could see light I thought to my self is this heaven but... it was a hospital? I was sure I died but...I snapped out of my thoughts I started to cry but I sound like a Baby... c-could it be?...)
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
Doctor: congratulation miss & mr.Kobayashi you have a Beautiful healthy Baby Boy!

•☽︎To be continue☾︎•

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