»-𝑳𝒐𝒈 𝑰𝑰-«

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No one's pov:
(Akari was there hands bloodied and the jerks on the ground bleeding from the head or very bruised and unconscious)
Akari's pov:
(After I Beat the shit out those weak shit's I turn my attention to the Boy who was Looking at me in shock as I ran to the Boy)

Akari:can you stand up?(I asked him)

????: y-yeah I'm fine (he tried to stand up but failed but I caught him)

Akari:come with me let me clean you up!(I draged him to a park)

-in the park-

Akari:you sit there!


Akari: wait here!

(I ran to somewhere after a few minutes I came Back to him with a first aid kit and started to clean his wound up)

???: thank you so much for saving! (He got up and Bows)

Akari:no prob! Just Glad to help!but what's your name?

???:oh it's yuji nakaimi

Akari: nice to meet you yuji! Let's be friends! (I said as I see the Boy eye widen)

Yuji: r-really!?


Yuji:B-But why would you want to be friends to a outcast like me...(as he looked Down at the floor)

Akari:your not an outcast to me if you ware an outcast why would i be friends with you? ...(I grab his hand)

Yuji: r-really?

Akari:(I nod)

Kai:now let's go! (I ran with him)

Yuji:to were!?

Akari:to get ice cream of course!


Akari: what's with the sad face?

Yuji: n-nothing! Let's go!!
(after a few minutes later)

No one's pov:

You and your new friend yuji got ice cream your got your
f/f and he got mint chocolate

Akari:oops...I need to go now!
Bye bye yuji!(wave good bye to him)

Yuji:see you tomorrow Akari !!

-at home-

Akari's pov:

(I tired to get in so mom Does not get mad at me because i got home late but it failed)

(As I opened the Door the lights turned on

Mom:mind expelling why your here late? (She said with a smile)

Akari:i-i um(my eyes widen as I saw the last thing I want to see her slippers...after that I ran)

Mom:GET BACK HERE!!(I ran after me)


(Let guess say I got Beat...)
(I want up upstairs to the twins room)

(I opened the Door)

Yuri & yuki:Oniisan!!(they ran to me and hugged my waste)

Akari:look what I got you two!(I showed them the teddy bears)

(Yuri & yuki eyes sparkled with excitement)

Akari:(I give them the teddy bears as they started to name the Bears)

Yuki:I'm going to name you Mr.Teddy!

Yuri:and I'm going to name you lala!

(I smile at my sister's I was gonna go out of the room but the twins tackled me to the ground)

Yuki & Yuri :thank you so much Oniisan!!(they hugged me as I pat there head)

Akari:no problem but go to sleep now it's getting late...ok?

Yuri & yuki:
Ok big Bro (they went there Bed and was going to sleep)

(I turn the lights off and went to my room)

(I plop myself on my Bed and was going sleep)

Akari: never knew acting like a kid would be this hard...
。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿

-to be continued-

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