Glitter force/Precure OC

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NAME: Remiko Shobuneh (Japanese dub)
             Rowan Sandoval (English dub)

AGE: 15 years old

GENDER: Female


PERSONALITY: Remiko is an introverted geeky girl with a strong determination

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PERSONALITY: Remiko is an introverted geeky girl with a strong determination. She's family oriented and overly protective with those she cares about. Although she can be smug and hot headed at times.

LIKES: Videogames, Anime, Exploring, Hanging out with her friends, Eating Snacks, Winning.

DISLIKES:  Talking in public, Bad End Generals, Her father, Transforming into a werewolf.

ANY TALENT: She's very skilled in physical fights, She also has talent with playing the drumset and bass.

GLITTER FORCE MEMBER?: She's not a glitter warrior, but she's allied to them.


Lycanthropy: She can transform into a werewolf similar to Ulric's looks

Fire/Shadow Bending: She has fire and shadow/Bad End powers.

CRUSH: Chloe (Ice Queen Yass-)


She's the product of a romance between Ulric and a Precure Warrior from a previous generation. So basically she's Ulric's bastard child.

★She met the glitter force in her first day of school, she's Best Friends with all of them but she's closest to Lily.

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