Chapter Two - part 2

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When I wake up Ace is not in the car.

I try to get up and sit. I grit my teeth, ready for the worst, but the pain I expected never arrives, I feel much better than I should.

Not completely well, but better.

A couple of hours ago I was bleeding to death. I was drained of energy. Now I find myself with only a slight headache and a pain in my side. Quite miraculous.

Outside evening is falling, tingeing the sky first with orange, then with darker and darker colors.

I hear murmurs that, as I listen closer, become voices, coming from not far away in the grove.

One belongs to Ace, the other I've never heard. I catch a glimpse of two people through the window, at the edge of the bush, arguing. Ace holds the other boy by the lapels of his shirt and keeps him pinned to a tree. What I can make out from this distance are the bright red eyes of both of them that stand out over everything, an unmistakable Zombie feature.

I hear little bits of their conversation. Ace is telling the other that he doesn't have to show up anymore, he doesn't have to be around me, because that's Ace's job. The other boy says he just came to check in, then they lower their voices and I can't hear anything.

What the hell are they talking about? What does that have to do with me? Did Ace have a purpose other than to save my life?

The other Zombie seems somewhat frightened by Ace's imposing presence, and his arrogant, confident voice only makes it easier.

Ace punches the other Zombie in the jaw, so fast that I can hardly see the blow coming. I only realize it when I see the blood gushing out of the cut that opened on the boy's lower lip and Ace's fist resting on his side.

Ace is pleased because he lets go, and the other boy takes the opportunity to walk away at a quick pace, away from the fury of my savior.

When Ace turns to come towards me, I lie down and pretend to be asleep. He gets in and sits in the driver's seat, straightening it up. He leans on the steering wheel and takes his face in his hands.

"I know you're awake," Ace whispers. His voice comes muffled to my ears, muffled by the palms covering his mouth.

"Who was that?" I ask, straightening my seat as well.

"No one you need to worry about."

"Of course," I reply irritated. I don't understand why he doesn't want to tell me since they were talking about me, but I don't push it, I'm still afraid of him and what he might do to me if upset.

He leans back, resting his hands on his lap, only to start torturing his fingernails and cuticles. "I can't tell you, it's for your own good."

"Right," I respond, though I don't agree at all with his decision to keep it a secret from me.

"How are you feeling?" Ace tries to change the subject and succeeds perfectly, I don't feel like arguing.

"Much better." By looking in the rearview mirror I notice that I've regained color in my face. "It's weird."

"What?" He asks without understanding, but also without looking at me, fixing his gaze on a spot in front of him.

"The fact that it healed so quickly."

Ace swallows. "Better that way, right?" Nodding is the only thing I can do, though I wish I knew how that happened.

"Since you're feeling better, come with me, I want to show you something." He gets out of the car smiling, and runs to my side to open the door and help me out like a true gentleman.

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