Chapter Six

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I walk in front of my dresser and look into my mirror, my dark green eyes look tired, and I pick up my eyeliner, eyeshadow, and blush. I put on the lightest amount I could, and put my hair up in a messy bun except for a couple of strands of bangs in the front, coming down to frame my jaw.

"Alright, let's go!" Helga says, she too was changed and in bright red shorts and a cream-colored t-shirt, her hair was pulled back into a french braid and was in a high ponytail.

We walked outside and got into Helga's car, I put Samson in the back and got in the passenger seat, my heart on overdrive and my lungs burning for air.


Chapter Six

The drive doesn't take long, only a couple of blocks and Helga pulls into a back alley, it was large enough for us to fit into the alleyway with the car and have enough room to walk. 

"Alright, Sammy. Here, I don't know when we'll set up, but this is for now anyway." I say, digging into his bags attached to him, and take out a treat and handing it to him. 

I take a deep inhale and clutch my purse on my shoulder, my phone inside and this time, I take Samson's leash in my hands and hold him close to my side as we walk. 

"Where is this Mystic Whisper?" I ask, trying not to be too paranoid, it was dark and we were moving at a slow pace, the shadows lurked everywhere. 

"Just a few more steps." Helga says, looking around for something.

When she finds it, her hands wrap around something and she pulls back, opening a small red door in the middle of the brick wall, bright lights illuminate inside making me squint my eyes briefly trying to adjust to the sudden brightness. 

There was a room where the brightness came from, that had a large desk, with many tables scattered around the floor, assembled in a way. It seemed almost as if this was a bar, but there was nobody except for a male bartender behind the counter. 

Helga steps inside and waits for me to pass before walking across the room to the other side and I follow close suit. I see Helga walk to a large door in the middle of the wall, almost like the outside except this one is a solid white door, more like a size square and not a rectangle. 

Helga wraps her hand around the small black doorknob pulling the door wide open, and getting ready to climb in.

"Where is this underground club Helgs, and why the hell do we need to claim through a small door to get there?" I ask, not sure about going through a small opening to get where we need to go. 

The small white door looked barely big enough to fit a full-sized five-foot man, let alone have any room for me and Samson go get through. 

"There is another entrance around the other side of the building, it goes right straight down to the club, whereas this is a more roundabout and fun way to get there. You climb in and slide down a large slide, and you're instantly at a door to access the underground part of the club. This room is the upstairs club for during the days; Mystic Lair, at night Mystic Whisper opens up downstairs for the night partiers." Helga explains as she climbs in, on her stomach, and slides down with no problem.

"Wait! How am I going to get-" I ask, but it was already too late. 

Helga was screeching on her way down the slide, and I poke my head in to try and see if I could see the bottom, but pitch darkness met my eyes as I squint as hard as I could to try and see.

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