Chapter 10

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Ava walked into work with her AirPods in she was listening to michel'le something in my heart

The music wasn't playing yet the workers always came 30 mins early before the club opened so they could get ready

Ava ignored the stares some of the girls were giving her

Some of them couldn't believe she still stayed with Scotty after finding out he cheated on her with peaches

It was going all around the club saint & rich had heard about it but didn't say anything ava would have to learn on her own

She was still young she had a lot of learning to do

Rich had walked in after ava he spotted the hickeys on her neck he scoffed walking to his office on the way to his office he knocked of saints door

" come in " saint yelled from the other side of the door

Rich walked in sitting down

" man Scotty whooping her ass he got her so far gone " rich said as he leaned back in the chair

Saint agreed

" & he 5 thousand behind on his payments his ass been hiding but imma whoop his lil ass when I catch him " saint said as he stood up

They heard yelling coming from the Front of the inside of the club rushing out to the front rich saw ava curled up on the floor as peaches had her hair hitting her in the face

Saint & rich rushed over saint grabbed peaches carrying her to the girls dressing room as rich picked ava up carrying her to his office he could hear ava sobbing as he lifted her

" LEAVE THAT LIL DUMB ASS GIRL THERE " Monica yelled as rich picked ava up

She felt like the girl was dumb & she deserved the ass whooping that she got who stays with a man after they cheat & whoop they ass

Peaches had told everybody that Scotty beat on ava she went through his phone seeing the messages between him & ava

He was telling ava how he'd drag her across the house by her hair again peaches laughed as she read the messages she couldn't believe ava wasn't as innocent as she made herself seem

Ava was standing behind the bar minding her business when peaches approached her ava was scared she was already getting beat on at her house & on top of that she worked with the girl that her man cheated on her with

Peaches was all in ava's face saying how she fucked & sucked her man saying that he told her he was just using ava & that he really wanted to be with peaches

Ava reacted to her saying that he wanted to be with peaches instead of her

Ava yelled " I don't care " in peaches face trying to walk away

She was just tired of everybody

Peaches hit ava cross the head as she grabbed ava's hair dragging her to the floor hitting her multiple times

Ava balled up in the corner screaming


" I DIDNT MEAN TO IM SORRY " ava yelled as peaches was pulled off of her & ava was lifted up being carried to be back


" it's about time for you to leave that nigga alone & love yourself baby girl "

Ava sat & listened to rich she had told him how the fight started he couldn't believe peaches was fighting over scottys young ass Scotty was 20 while peaches was 23

" he beating on you , cheating on you & got other women fighting you I don't think that's love & if it is it's not the love you need you young you shouldn't be dealing with this at a young age " rich said as he looked at ava she stayed quiet just taking in everything he said

" yo-you don't understand he's my first love & I love him we're just going through something right now " ava vented she didn't want everybody thinking Scotty was the bad guy he was just going through something right now he was short on cash he lost his house he didn't have anybody but ava she understood that it came with stress so she didn't fault him

Rich scoffed as he listened to ava he started to develop a little crush on her But he wasn't able to show her how she was supposed to be loved if scotty stood in the way

Rich got up walking towards ava

She flinched as he lifted his hand

Rich looked at her for a while before pulling her up wiping her face

" I'll never hurt you " rich said looking into her eyes they started at each other for a few seconds before Rich's eyes went down to her lips he licked his lips looking at her

Fuck it he thought

Rich leaned down grabbing ava's chin bringing his lips towards hers he kissed her ava was surprised & caught of guard

Rich entered his tongue in ava's mouth as her lips parted ava kissed back she moaned as she felt his hand slide down to her ass gripping it

Rich stopped kissing her as he brought his lips down to her neck leaving kisses

He picked his head up looking at her

" let me know when you wanna be loved the right way " he whispered as he moved away from her walking out of his office leaving her standing there lost in her thoughts

Not proofread.

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