Chap. 7 Getting Louder

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fs/n = favourite song name ( if you don't have one just pick a random song you listen to.)

Y/N's Pov

I am still in this stupid room for who knows how long I'm bored out of my mind with nothing to do the voice has been getting louder telling me to cut myself and while I was stuck in this hell of a place I had checked to see if my blade was still in the same spot I left it and it was but I just left it there, someone had to keep their promise. 

That was the only thing keeping me alive right now and not bleeding out on the ground hoping to be dead before my dad walk back into the room, our promise and the little bit of hope I had left about Eddie, that he might wake up from the coma.

I was laying on my mattress when I heard yelling from the other side of my door, it sound like my parents again,  so I put on my headphones and played my favourite song,  fs/n on full volume to tune out the yelling and the voice saying the same dame thing all over again trying to make me break.

After 2 hours of my parents screaming at each other for whatever reason, bills, money, me, let's be honest it's probably me, they have finally shut the fuck up and hopefully fell asleep.

I put my headset away and started to stare at the ceiling then everything started to go black. 

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