Your a odd one..

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Bakugou looked down at you as you had no words for this man. He was absolutely beautiful.. his Ruby red eyes looked into your y/c.. 

"So are you gonna stare at me the whole time or what?" He said in annoyance. He growled slightly, you snapped back into reality.
"S-sorry!" You said stutter.

"Tch. Whatever." He said as he walked off. You were a little confused now, you didn't know why you were here. You wanted to go home.

The day ends, you are lost in the giant campus. Suddenly a small purple hair boy runs at you with some kind of sticky balls in his hands, bakugou changed after him with a red spiky hair boy.
The red hair boy ran to you, grabbed you and ran away as bakugou beat the living shit outta the purp  as hair boy.


He said. Bakugou ran back to you guys as the red head set you down. "Sorry about that! My name is
Ejirou Kirishima!" He said smiling
"And this is Katsuki bakugou, my best friend!"
Bakugo he's just groans in annoyance.
"Shut up shitty hair. So annoying.."
Bakugou rolled his eyes.

Kirishima just laughed a little, smiling and looking back down at you. For a moment, it looked like he admired your beauty. "Your eyes.. they are.. so.." He gets cut off by bakugou.  "Kirishima." Bakugou glared at him, kiri stopped talking and smiled.

"I see. Alrighty! Well we should get back to the dorms! Nice meeting you-- uh- hmm... what's your name?" He asked and looked back down at you.
"Y/n. You said, kirishima smiled and walked off, bakugou looked at you.

"Sorry about him.. he's over friendly.." he looked more relaxed now. Someone was different about the way he talked to you, at first he was a little snarky but now.. it seems as if he was more relaxed with you around.

"Can you.. show me where mr mic is?" You asked.
"He went home. Your coming to the dorms with me ig.." he replied. You realized it was gonna be until the day you die
You would never go to your home.

You and bakugou walk to the dorms together, the purple haired boy walked to you. "Hey cutie, are you new here? Why be with this anger ugly man when you could be with someon--"
"THE FUCK YOU SAY YOU SHIT?!" Bakugous yelled. You cover your ears at the yelling, you had slightly sensitive ears. Once he realized he gently took your hand walking away from him. You were now in the kitchen.
"Sorry.." he said looking guilty now. What was up with this man? You thought to yourself. "I-it's okay.." you said.
Someone walked in the kitchen. And that someone.. was someone you though you would never see again..

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