Jack Vs Pitch

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Later, everyone placed a candle on the floor where tiles were shown to be in the shape of Sandy. They gathered around and mourned. (Y/n) and Jack were in one of the rooms as Jack tapped the window with his finger, making a Sandy body-shaped frost appear on the window as North came in. "Are you both all right?" North asked. "I just, uh, I wish I could've done something." (Y/n) said softly. "Done something?" North asked. "(Y/n), you and Jack stood up to Pitch. You saved us." "But Sandy-" Jack began. "Would be proud of what you both did." North finished as he reassured. "I don't know who you two were in your past lives, but in this life you are Guardians." "How can we know who we are, until we found out who we were?" (Y/n) frowned. "You will," North promised. "I feel it, in my belly." (Y/n) and Jack joined North to the globe to see the lights of the children going out. "Look how fast they're going out." Tooth said. "It's fear." Jack said as he flew to the globe before facing the others. "He's tipped the balance." "Hey, buck up you sad sacks! We can still turn this around." Bunny assured. "Easter is tomorrow I need your help. I say we pull out all the stops and we get those lights flickering again." He said. "Bunny is right!" North agreed. "As much as it pains me to say, old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas!" "Hey! Did everyone hear that?!" Bunny called. (Y/n) smiled at Bunny. "We must hurry to the Warren." North suggested. "Everyone, to the sleigh!" "Oh, no, mate. My Warren, my rules." Bunny shook his head before he thumped the floor of the workshop which made a massive hole appear and it took the others down with it along with a couple of elves and yetis. "Buckle up!" "Shostakovich!" North cried out. A horde of Bunny's undecorated eggs came out, so he got into a battle-ready stance. Then everyone else did. Even the statues looked different. A young girl came out, holding out some unpainted Easter eggs. "Sophie?" Jack and (Y/n) asked. The Guardians laughed nervously as they put away their weapons. "What is she doing here?" Bunny asked. "Uhh... Snowglobe." North replied nervously. 

"Crikey!" Bunny gasped. "Somebody do something!" "Well, don't look at us, we're invisible, remember?" Jack shrugged, referring to him and (Y/n). "It's okay, Bunny; I bet she's a fairy fan." Tooth smiled before looking at Sophie. "Hello, little one." "Pretty." Sophie smiled. "Aw, you know what? I have something for you," Tooth smiled as she showed teeth in her left hand. "Look at the pretty teeth. Look at all blood and gums on them." Tooth said. Sophie cried and screamed before running off to find some more Easter eggs. "Blood and gums?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "When was the last time you guys actually hung out wit kids?" She asked. "We are very busy bringing joy to children!" North replied as Sophie ran around. "We don't have time... for children." North said. (Y/n) looked at him in disbelief. "Yeah, that totally made sense." She said sarcastically. "Hm... If one little kid can ruin Easter, then, we're in worse shape than I thought." Jack replied before making a snowflake fly in the wind. The snowflake began to fly before crashing into Bunny as he smiled. Many Easter eggs were seen behind Bunny and Sophie as they were in front of a flower as it opened to show an Easter egg, ready to be colored as Sophie giggled. "You ready to make some eggs?" Bunny asked. "Okay." Sophie smiled. "Come on then." Bunny smiled. A whole army of Easter eggs were going in one direction. "Rimsky-Korsakov! That's a lot of eggs!" North gasped. "Uh, how much time do we have?" (Y/n) asked as Sophie laughed, having fun riding on Bunny's back as they darted around. More flowers were dusting and coloring the eggs.

"All right, troops, it's time to push back!" Bunny told the others as Sophie was moved away. "That means eggs everywhere! Heaps of you in every high rise, farmhouse, and trailer park! In tennis shoes and cereal bowls! Oh, there'll be bathtubs filled with my beautiful goodies!" Bunny said. An elf was kicking one of the eggs into a colorful river before starting to dance in place until he looked to see the rest before ending up in the colorful river. One of the Easter eggs was running in place while floating upside down until being lifted out of the colorful water. "Okay, that's, um, that's pretty strange." North said. "No, mates," Bunny shook his head as he held a dozen of painted eggs. "That's adorable." The elf climbed out, happy with how he's painted. "There will be Springtime!" Bunny said as he hopped onto a rock and lifted his arms in the air. "On every continent and I'm bringing hope with me!" The eggs slid through some machines, giving the eggs a colorful design. One yeti painted an egg as only red. "Too Christmas-y, mate. Paint 'em blue." Bunny ordered before he took off. "What's that up there?" Bunny asked Sophie as he saw a very colorful egg. Sophie giggled as she went up and picked up the colorful egg before bringing it to Bunny. "That's a beauty. Now all we gotta do is get him and his buddies through the tunnels and we'll have ourselves a Happy Easter." Bunny smiled at Sophie. The Easter eggs began to start making their way in the tunnels. "Not bad." Jack remarked as he and (Y/n) saw what was going on with Bunny and Sophie. "Not bad yourself." Bunny replied as he held Sophie. "Ah, look, I-I'm sorry about the whole... Ya know, the 'kangaroo thing'?" (Y/n) apologized. "It's the accent, isn't it?" Bunny added. (Y/n), Jack and Bunny chuckled until the others began to show up. "Ah, poor little ankle-biter." Bunny cooed as he looked at Sophie. "Look at her, all tuckered out." "I love her." Tooth smiled. "I think it's time to get her home." "How about we take her home?" Jack offered, referring to him and his sister. "Jack, no, Pitch is out there-" Tooth warned. "No match for this." 

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