I would never (requested)

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"Good morning, darling," Yoongi said with a sweet smile on his face as he saw you enter the kitchen.

You looked quite unenthusiastic to be out of bed and face the day but he figured that would change as it went on since you both have the next few days to spend together without any interruptions.

"Are you doing okay this morning?" He asked as he closed the cupboard door shut, giving up on his search for breakfast to pay you some attention and give you some love.

You didn't say anything to him as you grabbed a bottle of water.

You just turned your back to him and stood at the counter, taking a few sips as you felt his eyes on you.

"Hey," He softly said as he put his hand on your back. "What's the matter?"

You turned to look at him with a pout on your face before you started to walk back towards the staircase.

But you only got two steps before he came up behind you and wrapped you in his warm and secure embrace.

"Yoongi, stop. Let go." You mumbled while you continued to pout.

"No. Something's wrong with you this morning and I need to know what it is."

You sighed and gave up on escaping from his embrace, so you just stayed quiet.

"Baby, come on. Tell me what's bothering you. You're sulky and quiet and I don't get why. Are you feeling sick?"


"Are you sleepy still?"


"Then what's going on? Hm?"

You turned around to face him and you almost melted over the soft look in his brown eyes.

But you weren't in the greatest of moods so you didn't melt as easily as you normally would've.

"You cheated on me."

Immediately, Yoongi looked completely shocked by your words.

A rush of emotions came over him but he especially felt confused and angry.

"What? I did not!"

"You did... in my dream last night."

His anger quickly faded away and he breathed out a heavy sigh before taking a couple of steps closer to you.

"I saw it in my dream and I woke up feeling sad and a little afraid. It hurt seeing you with someone else."

"Baby, it was only a dream." He said.

"It felt real."

"But it wasn't real. Darling, that's never going to be real. I mean, I can't control your dreams but I can assure you that's the only place that would ever happen."

He gently cupped your cheek in his soft hand as he looked into your eyes, never looking away or allowing you to look away either.

"I love you so much. I've never felt this way before. The only one I ever want to be with is you. I'd never cheat on you, I love you too much to do that."

"Really?" You asked as you leaned into his touch, a little smile pulling at your lips.

"Really. You're my everything. I would never cheat on you, baby. There is no one else in this world that could ever make me as happy as you do and I have no intention of ever letting you go."

He smiled as you put your hand over his.

"You're my girl."

Your eyes lit up at those three words.

Something about the way he says them always makes your heart flutter.

"I promise you, one day, we'll be starting a family together and we'll get married and grow old together. I don't want that with anyone else. You are the only one I want those things with. I'm not ever going to cheat on you. You've got my heart and no one else can ever have it."

"I'm sorry for sulking and for being upset with you. I know it's not fair to hold what I dream about against you but I got a little scared. I don't want to lose you."

"You never will. I'm all yours and that's never going to change." He promised as he brushed his fingers across your cheek.

You put your lips on his and he couldn't help but smile against them as you kissed him lovingly.

"I like this much better than the silence you were giving me." He said and you chuckled before putting your arms around his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." You said before he put his lips back on yours, making you feel much better and oh so loved.

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