he and the boys see you dancing closely to another dancer (requested)

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"This is exciting!" Taehyung spoke as he and the boys stood close to the stage. "Your girlfriend has a sold-out show."

He elbowed Yoongi who stood beside him and cracked that famous adorable gummy smile.

Tonight, your boyfriend Yoongi and the other BTS members are attending your concert.

You're a reggaeton singer and this is your first major show so having him and the boys there is comforting and exciting.

The boys chatted in excitement for a few minutes until the lights went down and the music started.

Yoongi has become such a huge fan of reggaeton music thanks to you and you've always been so supportive of his music, so he's beyond excited about your show.

He and the boys cheered loudly for you as the lights came up and you appeared on stage.

Your fans screamed in excitement and sang along to every word of every song, knowing them all by heart.

This was such a dream come true for you and it all felt so surreal.

But what made you the happiest about it was seeing your boyfriend and six best friends in the front row, smiling proudly and cheering you on.

Yoongi watched you pour your heart and soul out into each performance as the show went along and he had the proudest smile on his face, proving to you and everyone else there that he's your biggest fan.

However, eventually, one of your sexiest songs started to play and this one involved being very close to one of your dancers.

It's your first time performing it live and you never let anyone see you rehearsing it because you wanted it to be a surprise.

So Yoongi had no idea that you would be dancing so close to this dancer and as soon as he saw it, his proud smile dropped and a look of jealousy appeared in his eyes.

He clenched his jaw as he watched this man's hands travel across your body as you moved your hips and danced very close to him.

"Uh-oh, someone's jealous." Hoseok teased and the boys chuckled in response.

But Yoongi wasn't chuckling.

Yoongi didn't find it funny at all.

You're dancing so close to this guy as you perform a very sexy song, how is he not supposed to be jealous?

"Yoongi, don't be jealous. You know it's just a performance. Y/N loves you so much and is so loyal to you. Don't take it so seriously." Jin said.

But Yoongi shook his head as he continued to clench his jaw and glare at the guy who was dancing so close to you.

The song came to an end and the first intermission started as you headed backstage to change into your outfit for your next set.

"I'll be back," Yoongi said before he made his way backstage to you, the guards letting him through since he had his pass on.

You jumped when your dressing room door opened but relaxed upon seeing your boyfriend there.

"Hey, baby!" You grinned. "What do you think of the show so far?"

"It's very... interesting. That was a very interesting performance back there. You danced very close with that guy."

You could see the look of jealousy in his usual soft, loving eyes.

"Oh, baby. I didn't think it would upset you."

"I'm not upset!" He said, raising his voice slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. But I didn't expect that."

"I thought you'd like it." You said with a small pout. "I thought you'd find it sexy."

"Your dancing was sexy. That dancer being so close to you and touching you like that wasn't sexy." He said.

You finished putting your outfit on before walking over to him.

"You're my girl and I just get jealous seeing you so close to someone else."

"Yoongi, baby, you don't ever have to be jealous. He's just a dancer. I love you, only you."

He smiled a little as he put his hands on your hips to pull you closer.

"I can always change the routine around after tonight. I want you to enjoy the show when you see it, not despise the dancer and get all jealous."

"No, don't do that. It's your show and as your boyfriend, I need to be supportive. I just didn't expect it and it made me jealous seeing it all happen."

"Well, just think about it this way. I dance with him for two and a half minutes but I'm always your girl and I can be that close to you all the time."

He chuckled and your heart melted as his gummy smile appeared again.

"I'm the luckiest guy in the world." He whispered before kissing your lips. "You're gorgeous, baby."

"Thank you, handsome." You smiled. "I have to get back out on stage. But if it's any consolation, my other performances don't involve me getting that close to anyone."

"Good." He teased before kissing you again.

You took his hand and started to pull him out of the dressing room, only for him to stop you.


You turned back around to face him and he kissed the corners of your lips softly.

"I'm so proud of you. Even if I get jealous, it's just because I love you so much. I'm very proud of you, baby."

Your bright and happy smile made his heart skip a beat and you gave him a quick peck on his lips.

"I'll always be your biggest fan." He said.

"Thank you, baby. I love you too." You said before walking back to the stage.

He made his way back to the front row with the boys and you made your way back onto the stage as Yoongi watched proudly.

"Everything okay?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah. Perfect." Yoongi replied as he watched you proudly, knowing he was truly so lucky.

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