Chapter 2: Mario Does his laundry, but you work there. (Unfinished but Released)

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(Alright before you get happy . . . this chapter despite the length in unfished. I just decided to release it. The only other update of this story will be when I finally give it to someone and announce who it is.)

It was a nice a beautiful morning, you however were sleeping peacefully for once. The past week Mario had been dragging you around with him as he tried to get his house back from a weird old man. But you finally moved out of his house and into an apartment. Living in peaches castle didn't work out too well since Mario was there often and caused havoc, which got you into trouble a lot. So you found a cheap apartment to live in. You suddenly heard your alarm ring as your eyes slowly opened.

"Ugh, I gotta sleep earlier," You groaned while turning it off.

You slowly got out of bed stretching, you checked the time to see that your new job at the laundromat begins soon. You sighed as you hoped Mario wouldn't show up and ruin your day again, Suddenly your phone rang. You picked it up to only hear a familiar voice.

"Hey-a Y/N! It's-a me, Mario!" Mario said happily

"What do you want, I just woke up." You said annoyed.

"I've heard you-a work at the Laundromat, and I was-a wondering if you would-a help me there later today day." He said

"Wait! Your going to be at my job tomorrow?" Y/N asked now worried.

"Yep! I can't wait to have fun with you today!" Mario said oblivious to your pain.

"Mario No!" You yelled hanging up.

Suddenly your phone began ringing again as you quickly pick up.

"Mario I said No!" You yelled.

"Sigh that red guy is still causing you trouble huh?" The voice of your co-worker karen said.

"Oh my- I'm sorry, I thought you were Mario" You said worried that you made her upset.

"Nah It's fine I guess. Also good job on actually remember to wake up today" She said making you remember the times you missed work due to Mario.

"Please . . . don't remind me." You said sighing

You almost heard her let out a small laugh as she cleared hear throat.

"Just get over here, our shift is about to start." She said

"alright, See you soon," You said to her.

"Yeah I guess." She said not really caring.

You then hung up and quickly ran around your room. You quickly got out your uniform and got dressed. You checked the clock, and you realized you had barley any time until you needed to be at work. You instantly ran to your door and unlocked it, you proceeded to lock it and the dash to the exit of your building.

[4 Minutes later]

You had barley a minute to clock into work as you were running so fast, you somehow even managed to run faster than a nearby sonic and pass him, who also was with someone known as swagmaster696969

Swag: Oi bitch you dare to challenge my waifu Sonic!

He yelled, but You didn't have time to either react or care as you now had 30 seconds. You finally made it to the laundromat as you dashed inside the building, you quickly ran to the break room as you had 10 seconds Left, You saw Karen as she was just watching you dive for it. You were about to trip when suddenly . . . . Karen had got up and caught you, you quickly grabbed your card and clocked in on time.

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