Chapter 1

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"Hey, does anyone want to play Base Quest?" Keefe asked pointedly. "It might, you know..." He looked at Sophie hopefully, then shot glances to Fitz and Biana's gloomy, clouded faces. The gates of Everglen were absorbing more light than usual as the sun was somehow even brighter. Ever since the Council announced the tribunal of their older brother, Alvar, both of them had mixed emotions.

"Later," said a familiar crisp accent. "Sophie, Keefe, can you come to my office? We need to talk." Confused, Sophie looked up at a tired and weary Alden. Sophie didn't need to be an empath to understand the emotion written all over Alden's face. Guilt, elves' most dangerous emotion. "Sure," she said worriedly, shooting Keefe a "Come On" look. Fitz looked up and raised his eyebrow, Sophie flashed him a smile and took off after Alden and Keefe. Sandor and Ro followed. Sandor shot Fitz a If you dare come, you'll face consequences look. "Don't be so nervous... I'm sure Fitz will be a good boy and stay here. Isn't that right Fitz?" Ro said, giving Fitz a wide smile. Fitz nodded his head ever so slightly.

Alden's office was untidy for the first time in many months. "So, why did you want to see us?" Keefe asked, eyeing the messy books scattered on the desk. "As you may know, Alvar," He winced at the name, "Alvar's tribunal is taking place in Eternalia and I would like you two to help support Fitz and Biana, as you know, they are still overwhelmed at the information about their older brother." Alden explained. "Information? What information?" Sophie asked, looking round the room for clues."They didn't tell you? I guess they have been taking this information harder than I expected." Alden sighed.

"Well, if it's bad information, I'm here to fight!" Sandor said in his squeaky voice, sharpening his sword and scrunching up his face to make it brave and worthy."No need Sandor, 'cause I'll be here, and you all know how all my enemies are afraid of me!" Ro took out her sword which looked way bigger compared Sandors. "That won't be necessary." Alden said, giving both of them a small smile, "It's not that bad," he said, obviously thinking about the Neverseen.

"The Council announced something else without telling us? Well that's not acceptable since we are the Vackers' beeest friends." Keefe winked at Sophie and grinned mischievously.

"The Council said they hired a skilled telepath to trick Alvar's blank mind to tell us every secret he knows, specifically the secrets of the Neverseen. They will be doing it in the tribunal." Alden said tiredly.

"So, isn't that a good thing?" Sophie asked, raising an eyebrow. "'Sort of, but apparently the skilled telepath is Regulus Vacker, Fitz and Biana's great-great-great- great-great-grandfather. "We haven't been getting along very well lately and if the whole reading goes wrong, then there'll be no choice but to put Alvar into Exile. Since it's Regulus who will be doing the reading, the Council has an idea about our long, distant relationship. They demanded to put Regulus into Exile too, he's even worse than Fallon Vacker", Alden added weakly.

"I'm guessing that ruins the whole Vacker legacy?" Keefe asked, fanning the air between him and Sophie. "Woah, Foster, that's a whole lot of emotions you're hitting me with." Sophie's brown eyes were filled with tears. "So are you going to lose your job as an Emissary?" She whispered, praying that it wasn't true.

Alden's shoulders slumped, his eyes glued to the floor. "Yes, unfortunately." Alden replied sadly. "But I assure you, there is no reason to worry." Keefe executed a perfect eye roll. "As if," he muttered. Sophie sighed, "And a Councillor thought of this?"

Alden managed a small smile, "Yes, Councillor Alina."

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