3 - random personal narrative

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A/N: This is something I had to do for school so why not upload it here too. (it's about the time I fell off a scooter)

     I sat on the comfy, brown couch playing video games on my phone, as usual, like a couch potato. My little brother was in the room as well, since the dining room was connected to the living room. He was sitting on one of the shiny, polished, brown chairs that we had doing homework. I didn't have homework because I always finished it on the bus. I was getting pretty bored because not a lot of my friends were on anything. It was pretty sunny and warm outside, so I decided that me and my little brother could go hang out with our friends.

     "Hey, Jr., can we go outside when you're done?" I asked him, a bit loudly so he could hear me but not loud enough to the point where I would be yelling.

     "I guess. I still have to finish my homework though. I only have a few questions left." he responded.

     "Ok, I'm going to change." I turned off my phone, put it on the table, and quickly stood on the back of the couch. A very loud "thump!" could be heard as I jumped off the couch and onto the fluffy, tan-colored carpet.

     "Hey, what did I say about jumping over the couches?" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

     "Sorry!" I replied back, giggling a little. I'm not sure why, but me and my little brother always found it enjoyable to jump over the couches, even though we would get yelled at for it.

     I darted to my little brother and I's room. It wasn't so far that I had to run, but I wanted to be quick. We lived in a tiny, two bedroom apartment, even though there were six people living in the apartment. I don't think I ever really noticed how messy our room was because of that, until I was older. There was a pool table that we rarely ever used, and bins of who knows what were scattered around the room and under our tall loft beds. Our closets were probably the worst, though. We had a huge pile of pants and shorts in bins on the floor in the tiny closets. Some of my shirts that couldn't fit on the rack ended up being in my bin of pants and shorts, since I had a ton more clothes than my brother. I decided to wear a blue t-shirt with a blob-looking monster on it, surrounded by the word 'nom'. I dug through my shorts bin to find a pair of jean shorts and then threw on a random pair of socks that most likely didn't match at all. I ran back into the living room to get my shoes out of the closet. Luckily for me, my little brother was already finished with his homework and had his shoes on. He usually didn't ever change when we went outside, instead wearing what he wore to school.

     "Ok, let's go." he said as he unlocked the metal door. The door was clearly painted white because the paint was slowly chipping away.

     I told our mom we were going outside and then shut the door behind me. There were two other doors we had to go through to get outside of our apartment building. We could've gone left, the longer way, like we usually did, but we instead decided to just go the shorter way. We lived on the first floor at the end of the hallway, also across from the storage room. Besides the tiny room at the end of the hall laundry room, it was mostly just a storage room for the residents. We walked through the doors and down the rocky, tan steps that led to the sidewalk separating building A and building B. Me and my little brother loved to race each other to wherever we were going when it came to the sidewalks.

     "I'll race you to Paris and London's house!" I exclaimed with a smug smile, looking at my little brother.

     "You know I'm gonna beat you right?" he replied.

     I did know he would win, but I still challenged him. He was more athletic and way faster than me. It also didn't help that I had asthma. We both zoomed down the sidewalk to building C. I had almost beat him by a few seconds, but my asthma took advantage of me running.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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