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"Guys, what the hell ar-" The Trevor guy started but was immediately silenced once he saw me. His face held confusion and surprise. His eyes raked up and down my body from where he sat in an old computer chair right in front of the door where his friends had placed him before they left. He continued to check me out before he gulped and his eyes met mine in the dim lighting of the room. 

'I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this.' I repeated in my head over and over again. But oddly, I didn't feel as uncomfortable with him looking at me like I usually did with the other men that came. I mean none of them were usually that attractive either. Maybe I'm just getting used to it, I thought.

"Um...Hi..." He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding my gaze. I could tell he was trying not to look at me. I couldn't help but think it was because I was ugly. Then again I was wearing very little clothing. But weren't all guys supposed to love naked girls? 

I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it. 

"Oh my god. They did this didn't they? Jacob and Josh? Those bastards..." He said finally realizing what was going on. "And they set me up like this and they paid you to do this because they are freaks and really wanted to get me?" He said sounding more like he was talking to himself but looking straight at me. I nodded in conformation to him. And he sighed putting his face in his hands.

He slowly started to laugh until he was cracking up laughing. I squirmed suddenly feeling very uncomfortable and wishing I had just told them no before. He finally stopped. "Wow. They really got me good... Sorry, I'm Trevor." He said pulling his hands away from his face, looking at me and holding out his hand for me to shake. 

I slowly crawled over to the edge of the bed and took his hand shaking it. "Bridget." I said almost too quietly. 

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself before. I was just too shocked...I should have known they would do something like this. You have to admit it was a good one." He said smiling at me. 

He wasn't just attractive. He was veeeeery attractive. From his perfectly tousled brown hair to his bright green eyes to his perfectly set jaw. He was the epitome of perfect. 

I couldn't help but become star struck. I wasn't really sure how to respond so I just smiled slightly and nodded. "And sorry, but I'm not really into this whole thing..." He said gesturing between me and him and my lack of clothing. My face blushed pink with embarrassment before I felt relief wash over me.

Thank god. He didn't want to. His friends said he probably wouldn't, but you never know. 

"Thank goodness, I didn't really want to either." I said. Relieved, I jumped up and grabbed my sweats and sweatshirt putting them on quickly. 

I looked back at him to see him watching me and smiling. "What?" I asked self consciously. "Nothing. It's just, I think that is the most I have heard you speak since I have been here." He responded shrugging. 

"Hm." I said sitting down crossing my legs on the bed. He had moved and was now sitting on the other side of the bed.

An awkward silence had settled before we both started talking at the same time. I blushed with embarrassment and he just smirked. "Go ahead." He said allowing me to go first. It was weird. Having a stranger be so kind to me. Especially a man. A very attractive man. 

"Jacob and Josh, your friends? They told me to tell you they would be back in two hours or you could take the bus home..." I informed him, kind of hoping he would leave now that the prank is over. Even though he was freaking sexy I just kinda wanted to go to bed. It had been a long day. 

"Hm...Naw. I think I'd rather stay here." He stated matter of factly. I choked on my own spit and broke into a coughing fit. "Excuse me? I don't even know you!" I exclaimed in surprise. This guy had guts. Just inviting himself to stay with someone he didn't even know. 

"I'm sure you don't know most of the people you let into this room." He muttered not meeting my gaze. My jaw dropped. No. He didn't say that. He didn't. Tears found their way into my eyes. Before anger took over me. 

 Noticing his mistake in choice of words and my reaction to his comment, he immediately seemed to regret what he had said. 

"Get out." I muttered.

"Wait! I'm sorry! That was so uncalled for and-" 

"Get.Out." I said cutting him off. "No please. I'm so sorry." He replied. He did look sorry. But I was not in the mood to deal with him. "Please leave. This is my..." I stopped not really knowing what to say. Home? No this was definitely not my home. I didn't have a home. Room?

"...Place... and I get to decide who comes and who stays." I finally continued, deciding on just saying 'place'. Cause that's all it really was to me. Just a place. Not a home. 

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. That was mean. Don't make me leave." He apologized again. Why would he want to stay here anyway? There was nothing special about it. It was actually kind of disgusting. I tried to clean it up but no matter how much cleaning I did it was still disgusting. I guess that was just the nature of living in a dirt cheap motel in downtown Denver. 

"You're right." I sighed sitting back down again, realizing everything he had said was true. I did have strange men in here almost every night. I didn't know any of them, unless they had come before. It was the truth. I was just some dirty whore. 

"Huh?" Trevor said not understanding.

"You're right. I don't know any of the people I let into this room." I confessed. "Hey, I didn't mean it..." He said sincerely. 

"No. It's okay. It doesn't matter if you meant it or not. It's the truth." I said stopping him from apologizing again and avoiding eye contact

. "Why do you do this?" He asked quietly, referring to selling myself. Because face it, anyone would have guessed that. His friends payed me to do this. l was naked when he took off this blindfold. And this place that I live in is shit. It sucks. I might as well be living on the street. 

"This is all I have." I replied vaguely. I didn't want to give to much information. After all, he was still a stranger. 

He seemed to get the hint that I didn't want to talk about it cause he was soon changing the subject. 

"How about we start over? Hi, I'm Trevor Brooks." He said with a big smile on his face and his hand stretched out for me to take. 

"Bridget Evans. Nice to meet you." 

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