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"Fucking piece of shit!" He exclaimed unloading his revolver and throwing it beside his really unconscious nemesis.

Looking down at his bloody hands Louis Willam Tomlinson couldn't help but groan.

"Liam get the fucking wipes." He ordered lighting a cigarette up in the process as his phone rung.

"Yes princess?"

"Lou I've been so worried,you wouldn't pick up my calls."

"Sorry Princess had to take care of som- fuck!" Louis snapped as the line suddenly went off making the petite blonde's heart race.

Niall pouted in sorrow imagining the worst scenarios and feeling a tear escape his big blue eyes. He didn't know where his Lou was at this ungodly hour,neither did he wanted to. All he needed at the moment was reassurance that Louis would be fine

He had now been ringing Louis' cell for an hour over and over again as his knees gave out from being wobly.

Leaning against those elegant yet utterly cold and lifeless marble walls Niall rung Louis for the last time,leaving a message for him before letting sleep engulf him.

"I'll be just fine look out for Asher." Louis announced as his boys surrounded him.

"We will but you need assistance." Liam said walking ahead from behind the gunners.

"Oh please Payno the bullet barely touched me, We all know Styles is not all that good at aiming." Louis joked as everyone chuckled making Liam huff.

"I'll drive you home sir." Liam asserted helping Louis up.

"Where's me Cell?" Louis asked looking around as his eyes fell on a really damaged iPhone on the rough cemented ground.

He shook his head walking out as liam followed him helping him in the passenger's seat and sighing at the bloody mess his boss had made out of himself yet again.

"Here." Liam helped Louis with his seat belt and handed him his cell and started the driving.

Niall was awoken abruptly from his phone blaring loudly against his chest as his eyes fell on his wallpaper which was him sitting on Louis' lap.

He answered the call shakily at the mention of am unknown number.

"Hi who's it?" Niall asked cocking his head to the side as that of a lost and confused puppy.

"It's me princess." Louis declared with a wince as he leaned on his wounded arm.

"Lou are ya fine? I was so worried! I cried meself to sleep. Imagine how I felt when I woke up and you weren't beside me. I hate you so much." Niall weeped as his chest heaved up and down.

"Hush-Hush Nialler Daddy is comin' home."


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