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When Louis Tomlinson first stepped inside his penthouse he was met with a heart wrenching sight of his Niall sleeping on the floor.

He walked over crouching down beside him examining the dried tears and the flushed cheeks as he sighed.

"Nialler?" He shook Niall as The blonde flinched waking up.

"Lou Lou,you came." He said cuddling into his side.

"Yes Niall Now get up." Louis winced pulling away as he saw Liam strolling in with a disinfectant and bandage.

Liam helped Louis up as Niall frowned in confusion walking over to where Liam had sat Louis down.

"What Happened Li?" Niall asked feeling worry wash over him.

"Oh nothing Niall it's just a little injury, Sir is strong you know." Liam joked as Louis tried unbuttoning his shirt but failed miserably.

"Let me do it Lou." Niall insisted as his fingers worked their way effortlessly.

Louis got out of his shirt looking at the bloody mess of his bicep in disinterest.

"Jesus How did this happened Lou?" Niall asked panicking as Liam shushed him.

"Sir got shot." Liam asserted examining the wound as Niall widened his eyes.

"What!How? Lou!" Niall exclaimed as Louis only smiled.

"Tell him clearly Liam. I didn't get shot the bullet touched me skin and passed from right beside me." Louis said gazing into Niall's big watery blue eyes as he huffed.

"Don't cry now princess,I'm alright." Louis said yelping in pain right after liam dabbed the disinfectant on his wounded arm.

"Let me do it Li." Niall insisted wiping his tears as Liam moved aside handing Niall the cotton.

Niall sat on the floor beside Louis wiping his tears in his jumper as Louis sighed.

He cautiously dabbed on the open wound as Louis flinched.

"Does it hurt too much,I'm sorry." Niall said as a tear fell down his cheek yet again.

He went on pressing harder once he had to wrap it as Louis just looked at him blankly letting Niall do whatever he pleases.

"I know it hurts Lou I'm so sorry." Niall whimpered as Louis pursed his lips after he was done Niall got up starting to walk away as Louis clasped his wrist in his left hand pulling him back.

"Why do you care so much Niall?" Louis asked getting up and towering over the short blonde from behind as he saw Liam walk out.

"I just do,there's no reason to that." Niall said as Louis forced him to look into his eyes.

"Tell me." Louis pressed,caressing Niall's full cheeks as the blonde shivered.

"You'll leave if I tell you." Niall whispered shutting his eyes.

"Tell me Niall." Louis asked cradling his princess' cheeks.

"I love you Lou.So much it hurts." Niall said as if trying to hide the pain in his voice but failing miserably.He slowly opened his eyes as he met with a conflicted pair of turquoise eyes.

Louis let go of him right after storming into his room as Niall fell to his knees.

2 days went by with Louis being physically,emotionally and mentally unavailable for Niall.

Niall wasn't the one who asked that question and Louis shouldn't have if it hurt him so much.

The next night wasn't any better for Niall either with Louis ignoring his existence he didn't what to do to please him.

He rubbed his face with shaky hands as he prepared their meal and overheard the voices from their room sighing.

"You don't fucking understand what I say!? Why would you let him handle it when he's a new recruitment...Have you lost it Asher!....Do I have to get there to remind you who is the incharge...yeah better."

Niall could hear the stress in louis' voice as he served Louis his dinner wiping the slabs as Louis padded in with a clearly pissed off mood.

"Here have this." Niall said passing him his plate as Louis clenched his jaw.

"I'm not in the mood." Louis snapped as Niall took the plate away without questioning making the older man frown.

"He would have argumentated the shit put of me if it was before. Why is he being so cold?" Louis thought as his phone buzzed yet again.

"Fucking bitch!" He exclaimed glaring at the screen as his hands itched to hit Asher right through the cell.

"Why didn't you take Liam with you then!?...Is Aiden alright!?...Oh hell no...I'm getting there....call liam as well."

Louis walked out as his veins popped with worry and anger. He was just fucking tired of nothing going right.

Rash driving to his spot was a every day thing for louis at this point now. He groaned loading his revolver as he pulled at the hand breaks walking to his people's rescue.

When 4 hours later Louis Tomlinson returned home he didn't expect everything to be so dim and lifeless. He saw his plate on the diner table with a "microwave it" note beside it.

He rushed to his room to find Niall lying on his side wide awake.

"You still awake?" He asked stripping off his shirt with a little difficulty.

"Mhmm." Niall hummed turning towards the cold walls instead.

Louis walked across the room putting his shirt into a hanger as he looked at Niall with sorry eyes.

He padded over to his princess standing right infront of him as Niall looked up into Louis' turquoise eyes with a strange coldness clouding his own. He shifted giving Louis some space as he crawled under the sheets pressing his face against Niall's warm chest as he sighed.

"I'm sorry princess."Louis mumbled as Niall softly ran his fingers through his feathery locks.

"It's okay Lou." Niall whispered kissing the top of his head as Louis snuggled closer to Niall encircling his arms around him as Niall's small Hands drew patterns all over louis' bandage letting exhaustion take over the older lad.

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