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"I'm sorry,Niall." He rasped out caressing the crying blonde's cheek.

"No,it doesn't w-work like that!" Niall exclaimed as Louis huffed looking down at his lap.

"You were mad at me. So you talk it out,yell at me even. You don't rash drive and risk your life." Niall said wiping the angry tears falling from his eyes.

"I wasn't rash driving,Niall. I just had too much going on in my head which caused me to not notice the deer and well to save it I crashed into a fooking tree! How cartonish is that?" Niall giggled at a hand tickling his sides as he pushed Louis away making him wince.

"You still have one arm in the cast. Don't get too daring there,Peasant." He said biting back a smile as he looked at the older man grinning.

"Now Princess,Do you mind Liam dropping you off back home and cooking a delicious meal for Dadd- no peasant, while I take care of some business?" The brit asked as Niall nodded leaving a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I won't ask you about your business but Promise me you get home safe." The blonde reasoned as Louis sighed.

"Promise,baby girl." Louis mocked before laughing loudly as Niall blushed.

"Shut up Lou!" Niall exclaimed softly slapping the older's chest as he supressed a giggle.

Niall gasped at the hand clasping his wrist and pulling him closer to Louis.

"L-Lou." He stuttered biting his lip looking up into his darkened turquoise eyes with flushed cheeks.

Niall could feel the sharp stubble rubbing against his soft skin as he was pulled into a rather harsh kiss,now a different set of teeth sucking and biting on his bottom lip.

His chest heaved up and down as the older man pulled away gaze stuck on Niall's swollen lips with a smug smirk plastered on his own.

He had gotten out of the room with flushed cheeks and buckling knees letting Liam lead the way as he followed lost in his imagines.


Louis had stumbled in the penthouse exhausted dragging himself to his room with a little difficulty as he sat with his back against the headboard and legs spread on the bed.

His gaze flickered to a sleeping Niall beside him as he smiled to himself patting his head as the blonde jolted awake.

"When did ya get here?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Like 5 minutes ago." The brit mumbled pulling away.

"Lemme heat up your dinner." Niall said removing the grey comforter off of himself as he took a note of Louis' outfit.

A black tank top and pants.

"You weren't wearing that at the hospital." He frowned getting on his knees on the bed as he pointed at his top.

"Yeah no shit. It's not at all weird to roam the city shirtless." He said dryly as Niall blushed embarrassed.

"I-I'm gonna go." Niall stammered climbing out of the bed.

"Don't heat up the thingy." Louis said as Niall furrowed his brows.

"Why? You asked me to make it for you,Lou. That's mean." Niall scolded as the older man sighed.

"It's me throat, 'ts sore." He said turning the temperature down.

"I'll get you a smoothie then." The blonde asserted starting to scurry out before Louis stops him again to which the man only huffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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