Chapter Eight

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We stood in stunned silence long after the King had exited the throne room and had left both of us alone. Prince Chresanto had managed to stay silent the whole time that his father was speaking and it was really surprising considering he never passed up the chance to humiliate me whenever he could. I knew he wouldn't though because his father likes me, and that makes a huge impact on how he treats me in front of him; when he's not around on the other hand, things are very different.

I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and surprise, surprise... he was glaring at me like it was my fault that the King basically scolded him in a roundabout way.

"What the hell are you looking at?" He snarled and I swear if looks could kill then I would be a molten puddle of water and body matter on the carpeted floor. Not that he scared me... I thought sarcastically.

"Nothing." I mumbled and shuffled my feet in place. The little confidence I had gained when I faced off against him a few days ago fleeing me faster than you could say 'quidditch'. Truthfully, I knew I needed to grow a backbone the only problem was that I didn't know how.

"Let's go get your crap then." He said and turned on his heel and began stalking out of the throne room. Before I could even move to follow he turned back with a scowl and glared at me harder if that was even possible because it felt like his eyes were spitting flames in my direction. "Are you coming or not!" He barked out and for fear of angering him further I quickly followed him out.

We headed up the staircase that led up to the hallway where the left side led to his chambers and the right led to mine. "Go get your stuff and then come into my rooms when you're done packing up." I nodded and made to walk away when he grabbed my arm. "Listen and listen very carefully Jacob-" he spat my name out making it sound like an insult "-I don't know what you told my father but when you're married to me, you answer only to me and you don't go blabbing about our business to anyone, not even to the King."

"I didn't tell him anything. I swear!" I squeaked out trying to get my arm free.

He tightened his grip on my arm and his eyes narrowed in fury, the iris of both his eyes bleeding into a deep crimson while his canines lengthened and his fangs snapped down past his lower lip. "Do not lie to me!" He whispered harshly making me flinch back from him. His nails that had lengthened as he morphed into his vampire form punctured my forearm where his hand was like an iron band keeping me linked to him.

"Ouch! You're hurting me!" I shouted out and tried to rip my arm out of his grasp. Turns out that was a bad idea because as soon as my limb was free, beads of blood began to gather at the claw-like gashes that he had left in my skin from his nails. I looked at the wounds in shock and glared at him. "If you ever touch me again, I'll-"

"You'll do what? Please tell me 'cause as I see it, you are mine to do with as I please... husband." He hissed maliciously. He prowled forward like a predator after it had spotted its prey which had nowhere to go and with every step he took, I took one back until my back collided with the wall.

He raised his hands up and slammed his fists against the wall so my head and entire body was caged in without any means of escape. I looked up into his eyes and my body shuddered and not in the good way, my legs trembled slightly and I was so terrified I thought I'd piss myself. His face was way too close, those extremely sharp fangs hovering just a few inches away from my neck with those full lips- seriously, at a time like this you think of how full and kissable his lips look? Snap outta it brother, we might be about to die at the moment. Shame on you Jake, shame on you- of his pulled back in a snarl making me press my back against the wall in an attempt to pull away from him. "The moment you married me and took my name is the day that you signed all your rights away. You. Belong. To. Me. Got it?" He growled out. At this point my eyes were squeezed shut.

"Y-ye-yeah." I managed to stutter out past the lump in my throat and answered him. I felt his breath hit my face and neck as he moved his head closer to my neck. His left hand grabbed a handful of my hair and tugged my head to the side roughly. Oh God, he was going to bite me.

 'Please don't let him bite me. Please don't let him bite me. Please don't let him bite me.' The thought went through my head like a mantra because I didn't want my first bite to be like this. When a human receives their first bite it also means that their partner or lover got to drink their blood as well and I didn't want my blood to taken in these circumstances. Not in such a violent way. Suddenly, Chresanto's overbearing presence wasn't there anymore.

My eyes snapped open in time to see Chresanto colliding head-fast into the wall. Rubble from the impact sprinkled onto the floor and I was thankful for whomever my saviour was. I couldn't help but be worried about Chresanto though and it was truly pathetic how even if the man was a jerk, I still liked him and wanted to make sure that he was okay.

Chresanto's head jerked up swiftly and I could swear I heard a crack with how fast he twisted his head around. With my heart in my throat, I watched as they exchanged words.

"Stay out of this Javier!" He snarled went to move forward. [a/n: name is pronounced, Ha- vier]

"Chico, te quedas donde estás." [Boy, you stay right where you are] The man said pointing at Chresanto who looked like he wanted to smite my saviour- who was Javier, Chresanto's uncle from what he heard- on the spot. He had deep brown eyes, a close shaven head and he looked like was just short of 6 foot but he was pretty gifted in the muscles department plus he was very good looking too.

"He's my husband, I can treat him however I like, bastardo!" Chresanto yelled.

"Didn't no one teach you a thing or two about respect?" The man asked folding his arms across his chest making his biceps bunch up impressively.

Chresanto growled in reply and they stood facing each other for a beat of a second and next thing you know, they're blurs lunging at each other. This time it was Javier who was thrown against the wall, his back taking the brunt of it. The both of them flitted from one side of the hallway to the other, bodies hitting the floor and the walls covering them in cracks and holes. It sounded like a freaking earthquake was happening! I was huddled against the wall having slid down it during the fighting.

I couldn't exactly try to stop them, could I? Chresanto was a dhampir and I knew that he wouldn't hesitate in hurting me. With the other man, I'm guessing he's vampire or he could actually be a dhampir too which means that I was at a huge disadvantage. After all, I was only a measly human and they could crush me without even breaking a sweat.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" A voice I recognised all too well shouted. The effect was immediate, both men froze in place, Chresanto on top of Javier and turned to stare at the new-comer wide-eyed.

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