Chapter 91-92

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Chapter 91: Inquisition of Zhu Hao

People? Are you addicted to drugs? The clouds are speechless. The broken tiles just finished. How to explain it tomorrow? This man can't be seen by Grandma Xia. He will be scared.

The clouds leaned forward and found that they were sure that they were in a coma. They dragged and got people to the back mountain.

When I got to the mountain, I took a closer look. Oh, who else can't Zhu Hao? He took out a thick linen rope and tied Zhu Hao to the tree tightly, and poured some streams from the space and poured it on Zhu Hao's face.

Zhu Haoyou woke up leisurely. His eyes without glasses became sharp from the confused moment of opening his eyes, and his whole face became more sharper than usual.

"Aren't you a cloud?" Zhu Hao asked harshly that there could be no such means for the clouds he knew.

"Oh, I'm not a cloud. Who is it? Are you? Don't you have a special source of intelligence? Didn't anyone figure it out?" The clouds sneered.

"How do you know this?" Zhu Hao changed his face.

"How do I know that you don't care? It's not your turn to ask me now. It's my turn to ask you."

"You don't have to ask. I can't say anything." Zhu Hao lowered his eyes.

"Really?" Yunduo rubbed a ball into Zhu Hao's mouth with the vegetation ashes of the space, and held his jaw to force him to swallow.

"What did you give me something?" Zhu Hao coughed hard and wanted to cough it out, but the strength of his drug on his body had not passed, and he had no strength at all.

"Poison, what else can it be?" Yunduo rolled his eyes, but unfortunately he didn't have a lot of medicinal herbs, otherwise he could really get some poison out.

"Why are you so vicious? I didn't do anything to you."

"Did you do that? Isn't it too late? There's so much nonsense. Tell me, who sent you here?"


"Oh, by the way, your poison won't kill you for the time being, but it's not necessarily at dawn. It is said that the death is quite ugly, and the seven orifices are bleeding and rotten. I haven't tried the medicine yet. Are you the first one. Are you honored? Tell me how it feels? Is it itchy or not? Does your stomach hurt? Are your eyes swollen?" The clouds look very curious.

Zhu Hao, who didn't feel anything, now he feels that his body is beginning to itchy and his eyes are sore.

"You poisonous woman." Zhu Hao hated his teeth and itched. He had always been careful that he didn't expect to fall into the hands of such an inconspicuous little girl.

"Don't talk nonsense. Tell me. Who sent you here?"

It can't be said that his sister was still in their hands. Zhu Hao thought bitterly. When he died, would Zhang Huihui come to collect him?

"Ah? Don't be in a daze, respect me, okay?" Yunduo took out the dagger and tried to poke him a few knives.

"I can't say that my sister is in hand." Zhu Hao doesn't want to die. He also wants to find his sister. The cloud in front of her is smaller than that of his sister, but it is completely different from his sister. My sister is weak. She has not even dared to laugh loudly since she was a child, but the cloud is very comfortable and lively. He has inquired about it in the past two days in the village, and almost no one speaks ill of her.

"Your sister was kidnapped?"


"Does your sister have a heart attack?"

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