Chapter 386-390

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Chapter 386: Li Hua

My relatives must have followed their own family. Uncle Mingde and Uncle Daxi were taken away by their aunts.

By the way, I also took away the specialties, gifts, large and small bags, mushrooms and pickles brought to Yunduo.

Yunduo also invited Sister Li to live at her house.

However, Sister Li refused and took several brothers to directly live in the miscellaneous courtyard. At this time, the originally spacious miscellaneous courtyard was full.

Sister Li's communication skills are speechless.

Soon, he got along with this group of people from Cypress Village.

The courtyard has been sorted out, and all the rooms that can be used have been used.

The stove room was also empty, and the rest were changed to live in.

There were also several women from the cypress village. Everyone said that they would buy food and vegetables and opened fire by themselves.

Yunduo quickly found a reason to send some with a jeep.

Let Sister Li buy other odds and ends.

Women's hobby of shopping cannot be deprived. Clouds gave them 200 yuan, which can be regarded as a subsidy for shopping.

Fearing that he would be returned, Yunduo lost his money and ran away.

Yunduo, who ran out, wondered whether she would ask Brother Long for help. She wanted to buy the big miscellaneous yard.

What if so many people live and don't rent it later? You have to arrange your own yard.

The area of this yard is not bad. It's not impossible to change it and build it into a dormitory building.

It looks better than a big courtyard now.

Every day, when the school construction site runs at both ends, Yunduo finally got his driver's license.

It's more convenient to drive. No one can deny this.

In two days, Sister Li's affairs were balded by her cousin.

It turned out that she sued her mother-in-law for killing people, but because her man only asked for merciation for a few years before she let it go.

In those days, he killed his own granddaughter. If the parents of the child did not care, it was basically that the people would not sue officials.

However, the man was killed in full view of the public. The mother of the child sued, but the father was unwilling to sue, and finally he was sentenced to a manslaughter.

Sister Li divorced in anger, burned his house and ran out.

It's been ten years, and Sister Li is also in her thirties. Unexpectedly, her ex-husband came back.

At the beginning, Sister Li married him because she had no parents and brothers, only uncles and cousins.

She couldn't think that her uncle and brother would like to give her the support of marriage in the future, so she chose a man she could hold.

I didn't expect this person to be honest and honest, but he is a fool and filial person.

When he pleaded for his mother-in-law and said that the child would die, she gave up completely. Unexpectedly, her cousin ran out with her, so she dared to go back to her uncle's house in two years.

For so many years, in order to thank her cousin for her inseparableness, she paid for the second-story small foreign-style building for her uncle's house.

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