Why Didn't You Leave?

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(Note: these events happened RIGHT after episode 9)

Jake's POV:

"STAY AWAY FROM US!" Zander shouted and walked out of the music room, with Luke and Milly following them right after. The only one who didn't leave was...

"S-sean?! Why are you still in here?" Jake asked with tears in his eyes.

"J-jake, I'm disappointed in you! Why did you say all those things?!" Sean snapped.

"I-it was wrong of me, yes, but please don't leave! Hear me out! Please!" Jake shouted with hope.

"Ok, I'll hear you out." Sean agreed. Just then, at the worst time, the bell rang. "Bye Jake."

"Thank you, Sean!" Jake exclaimed.

Sean smiled joyfully.

Sean's POV:

I don't know what to think, I trust Jake and the club doesn't. We still talk, and, I have his phone number...

I start walking to my next class, hoping I can get out of school earlier. A few minutes into the teacher's lecture, I hear something from the intercom.

"Warning, this is NOT a drill! Repeat, this is NOT a drill! A fire has started from the cafeteria, start leaving the premises immediately! Leave your belongings!"

I gasp, my heart is pounding. Bah-dum, bah-dum!

"The instruments!" I thought.

The students all run out of the door, most people disobeying orders, bringing their backpacks. I do so too, to not lose my laptop.

Jake's POV:

"T-there's an actual fire! Oh, god. I have to run outta class and go outside as fast as I can!" I think, slightly panicking. I pick up my backpack and start running out the classroom and toward the exit of the school. I see a crowd of people running out and see Zander and Hailey. "Guys, we have to find everyone else! We need to make sure they're safe!" I say. Zander rolls his eyes as he stops. "And leave them to the trust of you buffoon? Of course not!" Zander screams, pulling me and Hailey out the other people's way. "Zander, it's their lives we're talking about! It doesn't matter what he did! We just have to make sure everyone's alright!" Hailey shouted, trying to put some sense into Zander. "Yeah, ok, we can't split up, we might lose each other, let's check that back hallway first." Zander explained. "But the teachers probably have their students under control right?" I ask. "You think so? Look at this madness we have!" Zander screamed as he pulled out his hand as a gesture, showing how many people were screaming and running and teachers screaming for their students to be calm. "Um, you have a good point." I chuckled nervously. We ran to the back hallway looking in both directions for Luke, Milly, and Sean. We saw a pink haired person in a blob of horrified and panicked people and ran towards them. "Uh excuse me!" I yelled, dodging people running. I finally saw the person's face. It was Milly! "Milly! We found you," Hailey exclaimed. "C'mon we have to find Sean and Luke!" "Guys, Sean's in the music room. I saw him earlier but I needed your help, I don't why he's in there, c'mon!" Milly said as she ran. We followed her into the music room as we saw Sean getting the instruments. "Sean, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Get out of there!" I screamed. Fire crackled around him. He started to cry. "I-I..." He stuttered. I ran in and grabbed him by the arms. "Come on! You're risking your life for instruments?! It's ok, we can just buy them again, just, get out of here! There's a lot of fire!" I screamed. He held my hand and we ran out the door, just as a piece of the roof fell.

625 words.

"I love you, so much." Jean storyWhere stories live. Discover now